People That Kick ASS!

This just in…

Trained to serve coffee and
kick ass

China Daily |
“To work as a flight attendant, young women, for the first time in the country, are to be required to have martial arts skills, sources close to Sichuan Airlines confirmed this week.”

My vote goes to Muhammad Ali

You must be kidding. Ali is a Muslim and everyone knows muslims are a peace loving people. :smiley:

Kick ass, not fuck ass!


[quote=“Salvatore Armani”]This just in…

Trained to serve coffee and
kick ass

China Daily |
“To work as a flight attendant, young women, for the first time in the country, are to be required to have martial arts skills, sources close to Sichuan Airlines confirmed this week.”[/quote]

I’m SO NOT going anywhere on Sichuan Airlines…

Easily one of the most ass kickingness dudes on the B-Ball court. Mr. Jordan:

Jordan hightlight clips often give me goose bumps.

because he’s good with the Bo staff…

MTK… if you are talking Kung Fu heros… what about Hwang Jang Lee aka Silver Fox?