Personal experiences in the testing/reporting/quarantine process

Theyre the ones who shut the doors and abandoned me


Hes on thr phone. I assume to sort a transport home. He saw me pull over my bike and break down.


Hope you get everything sorted and feel better soon. This too shall pass, as they say.

(You did tell the cop you’re COVID+, right?)


Hmm…that’s shit. I’m surprised they don’t have some mechanism for that.

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I did. Yes


Nothing they can do… youbike only option


Did the PCR test result come through already? According to the government and employers you’re not confirmed without the positive PCR result!

He didn’t run a mile?!

Bike? Isn’t it raining and a couple of hours to home?!

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Fuck me. Let this story be a lesson to us all.


At this stage I’m unfortunately not surprised. Taiwan’s mostly done well over the past couple of years, but in the past week or so the confusion around testing and just what people are supposed to do has been pretty bad. I hope in the grand scheme of things it turns out to be a brief phase that @The_Ghost was unlucky enough to get caught up in - but we’ll see.

Even the supposed need for him to go to the hospital - that’s ridiculous. “Oh, you’re really sick with this virus we’re trying to contain? OK, please travel across the city to prove it because … records? Maybe?” And if there’s been some SNAFU and he didn’t actually have to do it, that’s still a major communications failure.


if it is a long way ,

ok then, get someone with a scooter to go to you.

you take their scooter home, they follow you in a normal taxi and then reclaim their scooter outside your house


No choice. Im literally in tears at th.end of my tether


You need to pull yourself together. The most important thing is that this virus is not going to hurt you in any serious way. I think the fact that you’ve run around all over the place proves that.

If you took public transport there, then you can take it back.

If I’m missing something, just get back on the YouBike and pedal very slowly with breaks now and then. It all sucks big time but it sounds like everything worked against you today.


No he didn’t. He took a quarantine taxi.

@The_Ghost If you are able to get that cop to help you, ask him to get you another quarantine taxi! This is otherwise ridiculous.



Hope you have a hat to protect yourself from that acid rain Taiwan seems to get.

Stopped for a break… still 10 km to go. They shouldnt be aking covid people do this. Its not right


You’ve got this. It’s a sickening situation your in. Taiwan has let you down. But you’ve got this. Hang in there.


It most certainly is not right. And yes, today you’re just going to want to sleep, and you may want to put the whole horrific experience behind you, but tomorrow - or perhaps Friday, after the 48 hours of sleep you’re probably going to need - you may want to consider talking to some form of media.


Thanks for help and support everyone.

Now im out of the city and on riverside, tge bike ride home is ok. Tgat first hour sucked…huilong is very bicycle unfriendly.

Now im at tge river park. Its quite nice. Tired. But theres birds and a river and no cars.


hold on, let me get this straight, you tested yourself positive for covid, but in order to truly be positive you need to go to the hospital to do a PCR, but the hospital is an hour away?

and the only way to get there was a UBIKE? so you rode a uBIKE covid positive all the way to the hospital only to confirm the fact you already knew you were covid positive, and then the cops knowing you are covid positive told you the only option is to uBIKE?

This honestly sounds like absolute insanity. You should have just told your boss to ram it up his ASS and say you are extremely ill and have no way to get up out of bed to go do a PCR test and he can personally come pick you up to run the shenanigans. You are wearing your self out and clearly covid is effecting your ability to think and the stress is compounding everything.


I don’t think the many problems described in this epic tale of stupidity are attributable to “the boss.”
