Pet problem

[quote=“sandman”]Sean, you know as well as I do that in the case MJB mentioned – irresponsible owners and a loose dog that bites a child – the dog would almost certainly be killed in the UK. Do they still get two chances? I don’t think so but I could be wrong.
The rest of your post is spot on though.[/quote]

OK… So the dog May deserve to be killed. I’m not saying I agree, I’m saying let’s say that this is the right thing to do.

Now how in hell does shooting that animal with marbles at 200 miles per hour fit into this? Are the marbles intended to kill the dog or what? :s

Seriously, you guys are mixing things severly. MJB is shooting the dog because it’s barking, not because it bit his child. For God sakes! Kill it or leave the fucking thing alone if you have a grudge against that animal. :fume:


You’re right. A massive difference. I wish I could catch Ah Bai and let some of you see his infected eye socket where his eye used to be. Give you an idea of what happens when you shoot BB pellets or the like at an animal, for I’m pretty sure that’s what happened to him.

When i was about 9 years old i was bike riding through some country lanes with a friend, when a huge dog came bounding out of its garden. Me being an animal lover, turned to stroke the dog, unfortunatly the dog obviously thought i was going to strike it, so it bit a huge lump out of my arse. The pet and house sitters of the dog came running out at my screams and took me home. They explained what happened to my mother and my mother explained to me that i had the choice to report this and get the dog put down. I said it was my own fault for making such sharp movements to a strange dog and i asked the owners/sitters to fix any holes in thier fencing and i wouldn’t press charges. The owners immediatly complied with my wishes.

My mother didn’t see any reason to result to a cave man attitude of bashing the dogs head in, instead she asked my own opinion and an option to put this animal down humanly.

These things are going to happen as we live with other living creatures around the world.

I feel very sad that people still see the answer to everything is violence, and needless violence.
As was said before, if this dog is such a danger to society then it should be put down in a humane way.

As was also said, i wonder what would be said if people started to fire marbles at 200kph at children who scream and shout at play time or a baby that is teething, or a boy who has a fairly loud scooter, or a couple arguing or the vendors coming around announcing thier arrival, or anyother human who isn’t keeping within the offended person’s noise range.

It is an animal’s right to make a noise, what would the world be if every animal, including humans which are also animals, had to keep quiet.

I for one am not offended by being called a “pet crusader”. At least i’m doing something about the problems this world is facing, instead of making them worse.

Unfortunatly some humans still believe that this earth is for thier pleasure and their pleasure only. There will come a day when they are proved wrong.

I feel very sorry for the people who believe that inflicting unnecessary pain on any animal is the way to stop a noise problem.


I for one am not offended by being called a “pet crusader”.
[/quote]Good to hear that. Neither am I but I think it was an unecessary picture. Metaphorically speaking, it’s very inadequate as well.

But hey! We’re all free to post our thoughts, so keep it up people but please don’t get too annoyed with our plea for donations and support when some of us rescue animals who suffer. Because the mentality you’re pushing only leads to more people doing the same thing and I’m sure not everyone can aim as well as MJB with a slig shot, a 2x4, a golf club, a brick, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. :s



As was also said, I wonder what would be said if people started to fire marbles at 200kph at children who scream and shout at play time or a baby that is teething, or a boy who has a fairly loud scooter, or a couple arguing or the vendors coming around announcing thier arrival, or anyother human who isn’t keeping within the offended person’s noise range. [/quote]

Been there done that…only it wasn’t a marble…it was a steel ball bearing…a large one. And the scooter was honking his horn constantly…and going the wrong way on a one way.

I’m not being very helpful in this conversation anymore…am I? I’ll just sit this one out from now on.


You and i know that we and others are helping the situation in the right way, so i say take the comment of “pet crusader” as a compliment. We are doing what they are unable to do or are unwilling to do.

on a lighter note, Great job with ATK, I hope to get to meet you guys one day. Might take a spin down your way one day on the bike to say hi.

My first question is to ask why the dog wasn’t dealt with right after it bit your kid. I have to say that if a dog is not looked after properly and is agressive towards children there is a major problem, but it should be dealt with quickly. This might indeed mean that the dog needs to be put down if there is no one willing to take responsability for it and keep it from wandering or look after it properly. Very sad as it is the owner fault, not the dogs. If I had kids and an animal that wasn’t being looked after properly (wandering etc) bit them I would react in terms of protecting my children and other children in the neighborhood. that being said shooting it with marbles isn’t a great revenge tacktic as the dog won’t remember biting your kid. In terms of a barking dog have you tried giving him a chew toy or raw hyde to shut him up? If that doesn’t work I like Stray Dogs water gun idea. Its too bad the owners are such pricks, maybe if you woke them up everytime their dog woke you up things might change.

About the barking part, I forgot to mention what I do to stop it.

I’m buddy with a pack of strays literally just outside our house. George, Snow, Lois, Jane and Cliff. Cliff and George don’t let me get close, but closer than anyone else except a lady who’s been feeding them for a long time. So they are my buddies but at night, sometimes they all go nuts. It’s like territorial fights and I can always hear one of the squealing like if it’s in pain when that happens and it worries me because I know these dogs, I hang out with them everyday when I walk Lucky.

I’m on the ninth floor and when they all go nuts at night, they basically wake up everyone in the neighbourhood. It can last for over an hour and sometimes longer. I assume that bitches in heat have something to do with that.

It’s easy and the barking/fighting stops immediately. I throw one firecracker in the air from the ninth floor. It’s that simple. It always blows about a few hundred feet away from the dogs but they don’t like that one bit. I’m sure my neighbours would thank me if they knew it was me doing this the odd overly noisy nights in my neighbourhood. I hope so anyways.

Now… Please DO NOT through firecrackers at dogs. Far, far away from them is plenty enough to scatter a pack of pooches for a while. Also, if you do it too often, I assume it will lose it’s effectiveness. Still works for me but I seldom do it.


Edit: The above may work on packs of strays but I do not recommend it at all with owned pets, especially if the pet is tied or caged.