Petition to Save Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan thinks that “privately owning guns to protect against big government” = “supporting taxes for small government to have guns?” Or ?

Why for the love of sweet Jesus are y’all talking about guns?!! :sleeping:

I have no idea what Piers Morgan thinks, other than his comments.

I do have an idea about what you have posted in the past. Correct me if I am wrong, but you support private gun ownership partly to protect individual citizens against the government. At the same time you support taxes paying for government military spending.

Doesn’t add up to me. I’m only messing with you, btw. You’re not dissimilar to some trans women are women argument. Just a different angle.

I support private gun ownership by US citizens because it’s a civil right. Full stop. I support paying taxes for national security, including for government military spending. While the US Constitution is open to endless speculation, I don’t see any contradiction at all in my stance on the second amendment.

I have no idea what the trans vs trans woman angle is, or what you mean. I can only hope I’m not being insulted in some way I don’t follow.

OK, other than being a civil right why do you support private gun ownership? Which part of the Constitution do you back?

Not sure, but I think you maybe see this as a kind of one-dimensional, sliding scale thing, where full, unrestricted ownership of firearms by private citizens is on the same end of the scale with “no standing army.” On the other end of the scale is “Standing army at all times” and no private ownership by US citizens of firearms. Is this close to your meaning? Are you asking me to pick a dot on that scale?

Well, I think a case can be made that deadly weapons are the bane of human existence.

But the U. S. idea of an armed citizenry goes back quite a ways. Here are some snippets that I hope will help a little (but I don’t expect them to carry the day–italics are mine):

–from Wikipedia, “Battles of Lexington and Concord”

Battles of Lexington and Concord - Wikipedia

–from “Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New Hampshire; June 21, 1788”

–“Ratification of the Constitution by the State of North Carolina; November 21, 1789”

–from “Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Rhode Island; May 29, 1790”

–from “Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New York; July 26, 1788”

–from “Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Virginia; June 26, 1788”

Yes, I am. Does arming oneself against government equate with paying a government to have more arms?

Good point. It’s a pickle, it is. :slight_smile:

His interviews with serial killers were shite supposedly.

Oh look another gun thread…zzzzzzzzzzzzz

It can, yes. If you’re saying that it seems a little silly to supply and equip the government with the latest in armaments while simultaneously allowing US citizens to own the latest in armaments, I can understand. It seems like a lot of guns.

But yeah, that’s what I believe the US Constitution says. The military can use those weapons outside the US (war), but if they use them inside the US against citizens (say to take control of government) then citizens should be equipped to resist.

In the case where there are foreign armies inside the US, it’s obviously not a good situation for them.

That could apply to any thread.

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Of course it can’t. Once enough taxes have been paid to create a government controlled military how could anyone defend themselves.

In the US we believe it can be accomplished by bearing firearms.

I don’t think the rest of the world agrees with us, but of course they have their own governments and their own ideas about firearms.

You are trusting your government.

Of course we trust our government. But we also bear firearms, just in case things change.

You’ve paid for them to have bigger firearms.

This is almost always true, but it doesn’t mean we should fall prostrate before them if they decide to misbehave. There are lots of examples of civilians who’ve defeated a military force, even while bearing arms relatively inferior to those of the invaders or occupiers, including recent examples. And of course we defeated the British even though they possessed far greater firepower.

I understand that you may think this is a contradiction, but I disagree.



Why do you care? This blowhard still has more money than you’ll make in a thousand lifetimes, @Kavalan . I think he’ll be okay.

I don’t disagree, necessarily, just don’t understand. It makes little sense to me.

Anyway, you had Mel Gibson. That bugger beat us in Scotland, too.

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