Petition to Save Piers Morgan

I wouldn’t be using the words blow and hard in the same sentence if I were you mate :sweat_smile:

I don’t draw the same associations you immediately do. Guess you’re distracted by something, eh. Better have a cold shower and then get back to us.

Fair enough. I do have a dirty mind

Several series. One with women killers. Riveting stuff. You’re missing out in life man :sweat_smile:

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I thought that one advantage of Brexit is they’d have to take him back.


Top of the mornin’ to you all!

155k signed the petition already…:+1:

For those on this forum who are still unsure what exactly the radical left is, please enlighten yourself with this video

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I feel that he’s trying to bring in the culture wars stuff to the same level as the US and then he casts himself as the anti PC figurehead. Maybe if they didn’t give it airtime it wouldnt even be a thing.

If I meet these transgender people I will just ignore them unless they tell me directly what their deal is. We dont need to give these attention seekers so much attention . Also trans people are hardly all radical left.

It’s a good debate from Piers here I have to say. But I don’t like that he framed all liberals with the blanket brush of this idiot on his TV show.

He’s not bringing anything in. 85 kids wanting to transition or be gender fluid at that one school got nothing to do with him.

He supports transgender people. Who is saying all trans are radical?

He is liberal, I’m liberal, assume you’re liberal too. He is not framing liberals as anything. He has a huge problem with the radical left. As do many people who are fed up with their bullying

But in the video clip he said he is 'tired of liberals…Something something '.

Do you watch Bill Maher’s Real Time? Same as Bill Maher, a liberal who fights against the radical left. Piers Morgan is the UK version