Pfizer gain of function research

Prefer the real deal?

At all times.

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Fair. but again, they are supposed to mutate viruses, and everything else, to create potentials for future cures: eg. vaccines.

I dont think that should be punished, but promoted in so far as planning ahead. that was the big complaint 3 years ago is that we weren’t doing these prevention steps. Actually for decades people have been screaming to get ahead of the curve, but we didn’t.

the real issue would be if they were releasing, helping others release, withholding information that might lead to an explosion etc. or even just incompetent. those are legitimate worries.

but they (these labs we the people pay out of pocket for with so called heavily regulated authorities also controlled by the people) absolutely are the ones that we pay to mutate and study future possibilities in order for fast cures.

Now, in my opinion, is Pfizer the ethical backbone to lead this? no. I think the government should, at least in countries with competent authorities (heh heh). but that conversation gets messy quick because people are people, which means easily corrupted. but they remain different issues.


:left_speech_bubble: “No one wants to be having a pharma company mutating fucking viruses”—Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planner

Lots of first-class wisdom out there this week

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That’s pretty much my impression, but as you mentioned, the fact that Pfizer haven’t officially distanced themselves from the guy is very, very weird. If it were all just some sort of elaborate hoax you would expect their actual Director of R&D to pop up on the news and say so. News agencies scrubbing the whole thing is not in itself (very) suspicious - they might have just realised that they’d be duped - but again, if it was a hoax, you’d expect them to say so.

The guy comes across as a complete idiot on the video, and far too young. Not at all the sort of person you’d expect to be in such as responsible position.

All very strange. Not sure what to make of it.


It’s definitely wacky.

In any case, it appears that Pfizer fessed up regardless. Well, as much as they could, anyway. :wink:

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Finally, some ethical journalism


Both sides are weird as fuck. I wouldn’t want to be associated with either side.

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Sadly there is a certain group of people out there that do make it necessary

There’s three! Don’t forget Pfizer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You guys were good today.

–John Le CarrĂ©, The Constant Gardener, “Author’s Note”

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Some takeaway from this. Vaccines seem to be an ongoing thing now. But only as effective if they predict the strains right. Basically like the flu shot but this is a different type of vaccine as the flu vaccine is not Mrna and is how traditional vaccines work, dead bacteria and virus.

The pharmaceutical industry is corrupt with the government making such mutation experiments scary. If the people responsible for making sure pharmaceutical companies don’t let a virus from getting out like Covid like from Wuhan are not doing their jobs to chase a money bags in the private sector after. How much do we trust that the next Covid won’t be coming again?

The media went from previously being critical of big pharma and all their scandals to being their biggest cheerleaders all pandemic and this was enough to make me stay away from their poison products. I just felt something was off and it’s all starting to come out now

I feel big pharmas biggest screwup was trying to shame the holdouts as it only made them entrench deeper


 and now the media are trying to pretend that they were onside all the time. Do they really think people are stupid? That we have the memory span of a goldfish? Most people here can remember clearly what they did and said. They’re now trying to rewrite their own history, apparently blissfully unaware that once something’s on the internet, it stays there.


I honestly think the majority of people do have the memory span of a goldfish
Or confirmation bias.


LOL true. There’s definitely a certain segment of the population who will pivot wherever the narrative points them, like a weathercock on a belltower, without questioning anything. But have a look at some of the comments on YouTube videos about all this stuff. It’s a really different landscape out there. A majority are mad as hell - either about being duped, or because they actually know someone who died or was injured in questionable circumstances. Page after page of people ranting on relatively benign video channels which started off vaccine-positive (eg., John Campbell).


My friends family member now has a racing heartbeat after and it hasn’t gone away a year later. My friend said he took it so he could travel and eat at restaurants (Vax pass) but regrets it now. Others took it and no side effects, lucky


‘Campbell Unleashed’ will be his new channel :laughing:

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I’m expecting a video at some point where he’s grown a massive beard, dressed up in combat fatigues, has a GPMG on his desk, and signs off by declaring a one-man fatwa on Pfizer and chums.

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