PIC QUIZ ROUND 12 (Where is this /or What happened there?)

Don’t we only get to make one guess on this part? :thinking:

If that’s the case, I’ll take the guess: Uzbekistan

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That’s okay. After I answered, it occurred to me you might be referring to the nearby basketball court:

I think that at first, I also thought those things might be skateboarding thingies, too. Heck, maybe they are skateboard slopes, but I finally concluded they were mock boats.

Originally, I thought your Google Street View was in Santiago, Chile. I was quite surprised to find that I’d been messing around in the wrong country.

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Well, I didn’t know you wanted it to be that specific…

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Yeah, no two guesses up there. Uzbekistan is correct.

Those parks look all the same in S. A.

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Apple products?

That is the correct answer

Which stan?
Uzbekistan :white_check_mark: [@Dr_Milker ]

  1. If you turn around you see a shop selling what?
  2. What is the name of the shop?
  3. There is a woman on the sidewalk doing what?
  4. The street is named after a district, which is named after a man who was a…? [three possible answers accepted]
    [@Ender ]

Apple products

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Woman is smoking if my guess isn’t allowed. :rage:

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One more for @RickRoll or @Charlie_Jack or someone else…

Not an answer: [I’m not sure I’m even fully awake yet, but I’ll see what my sluggish brain can do. :slight_smile:]

:coffee: :coffee:

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Nothing gets you going as a trip to the dusty lands of the stans. :grin:


What’s the remaining question?


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Apple Bro?


But he’s actually close in meaning… :wink:

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Mac Bro?