Politically Loaded Words of the Pro-China Crowd

^^^ Wow, that term sure came back into fashion in a hurry. I should start making those little red comic books and funky looking work suits, I could be rich! :notworthy: :rainbow:

So I take it you had no objections to the massacre of the students at Tiananmen, nor would you hesitate to support further violent suppression of anyone else in China who dared suggest a multi-party democracy? Do you agree with your governementā€™s violent suppression of all and any dissent, yes or no?[/quote]

This is a real crack up :laughing:


I donā€™t see how Tiananmen has anything to do with Taiwan.

It would be like citing the riots caused by children of color being bus to white school districts in the USA in the 60ā€™s and 70ā€™s, or the LA roits having anything to do with the USA public policy on Taiwan.

Embarrassing incidents for each respective government. But totally independent of the Strait Issues.

No, it has everything to do with Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Let me see now, who was it that said that political power grows from the barrel of the gun?
Answer the question. Our foreign guest suggests that violence against proponents of Taiwanā€™s independance is justified. I want to know how he feels about violence against PRC citizens who want their basic human rights. The right to free assembly. The right to free expression. The right to free speech. The right to take part in an open multi-party democracy. The right to religious freedom. Iā€™m intrigued that he seems to support violent repression of any or all of these rights in Taiwan, yet refuses to speak on these issues wrt PRC citizens. I see the same double standard being applied as in 1945. Taiwanese are ā€˜degradedā€™, ā€˜kuan waiā€™, ā€˜outside of true Han cultureā€™. Yet Taiwan must be controlled from Beijing. Taiwan is a fair target for expansionism through military force, yet the Taiwanese should not be treated the same as your mainland comradesā€¦
Speak up boy, cat got your tongue?

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Taidu is another one. Quite popular with the PRC Commie boys. Saw it in a the English Peopleā€™s Daily. Taidu stands for Taiwan Duli which means Taiwan Independence. Again we know that Taiwan is already independent so this is politically loaded.

Here a Chinese word Fandu. Lots of kids in Tawain support Fandu.
We should be like those kids and support Fandu.

[quote=ā€œac_dropoutā€]Here a Chinese word Fandu. Lots of kids in Tawain support Fandu.
We should be like those kids and support Fandu.[/quote]

My goodness, AC, use a spell-checker! Itā€™s fondue. And what kid wouldnā€™t support a nice chocolate fondue?

familyfun.go.com/recipes/family/ ā€¦ ndue3.html

Hereā€™s an idea.

Call every citizen of Taiwan whoā€™s loyal to Taiwan a Taiwanese.

Call every citizen of Taiwan loyal to China a Chinese and deport them to Beijing or something.

A better idea. Everyone who identifies themselves as Chinese get to remain on Taiwan and remain a part of the RoC/PRC. Everyone who identifies themselves as Taiwanese, can just go on ahead and move to Japan, or better yet as Anette Lu mentioned, Latin America.

edit: Note I am being semi-sarcastic here.

[quote=ā€œcmdjingā€]A better idea. Everyone who identifies themselves as Chinese get to remain on Taiwan and remain a part of the RoC/PRC. Everyone who identifies themselves as Taiwanese, can just go on ahead and move to Japan, or better yet as Anette Lu mentioned, Latin America.

edit: Note I am being semi-sarcastic here.[/quote]

how about kick the freaking CCP ass off to North Korea. Kick some Chinese who wants war and fight to enlist to fight for the Americans in the war on Iraq. Thatā€™s better for everybody. People who wants war (Chinese patriots) can go to war; people who want peace (Taiwanese) can stay in Taiwan and enjoy peace.

edit: Note I am being semi-sarcastic here.

[quote=ā€œcmdjingā€]A better idea. Everyone who identifies themselves as Chinese get to remain on Taiwan and remain a part of the RoC/PRC. Everyone who identifies themselves as Taiwanese, can just go on ahead and move to Japan, or better yet as Anette Lu mentioned, Latin America.

edit: Note I am being semi-sarcastic here.[/quote]

wouldnā€™t it make more sense that everyone who identifies himself/herself as TAIWANESE remains on TAIWAN, and everyone who identifies himself/herself as CHINESE goes to/stays in CHINA? thatā€™s more appropriate, no?

why does your idea have people moving all over the place and halfway around the world?

edit: Note i am being semi-sarcastic here


So where would the foriegners and their Eurasian Children go.

edit: In an equally semi-sarcastic voice


So where would the foriegners and their Eurasian Children go.

edit: In an equally semi-sarcastic voice[/quote]

Is this a ploy of AC_Dropout? Destroy threads by making them so long and not on topic with a lot of BS posts? Could someone trim down this thread please?

Is this a ploy of AC_Dropout? Destroy threads by making them so long and not on topic with a lot of BS posts? Could someone trim down this thread please?[/quote]Interesting how this selective floundering works isnā€™t it?

BTW, the ā€˜ignoreā€™ feature doesnā€™t work on quoted text, hopefully the next version of phpbb will fix thatā€¦ :wink:

I have been told by a few local factory bosses I meet , that they prefer to be known as Taiwanren as opposed to Taiwanese.One chap even suggested Taiwaner - didnt not sound nice to me and I told him so.
I asked them why they did not like Taiwanese - they said it rhymed with Chinese. Strange thing is that these guys are from different parts of Taiwan and had the same answers!!!

My partners here are locals and they too prefer to be known as Taiwanren.

[quote=ā€œcrazyaznā€]I have been told by a few local factory bosses I meet , that they prefer to be known as Taiwanren as opposed to Taiwanese.One chap even suggested Taiwaner - didnt not sound nice to me and I told him so.
I asked them why they did not like Taiwanese - they said it rhymed with Chinese. Strange thing is that these guys are from different parts of Taiwan and had the same answers!!!

My partners here are locals and they too prefer to be known as Taiwanren.[/quote]Next time they say this, inform them that maybe they can think of how Taiwanese rhymes with Japanese, Portuguese, Lebanese and Maltese instead of Chinese. After thinking about this, I really canā€™t think of another suffix.

Taiwanian (Canadian, Jordanian)
Taiwanish (Polish, Swedish)
Taiwani (Isreali, Afgani)
Taiwanan (Angolan, Jamaican)

None of those work, except the last one sounds similar to Taiwan ren. Maybe someone could come up with a new one which is not related to a suffix, similar to France/French or Greece/Greek.