[Poll] How Long Will DJ Trump Stay in Office?

I’m quite calm, not sure why you would infer otherwise.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: or perhaps you might be projecting?

What does any of that have to do with using the FBI/CIA to go after Trump?

I saw that the first time, if I think Hillary is relevant to a discussion I will mention her. But regarding what will happen, and in light of the NY Times story that is trying to justify the spying as best they can. It looks like John Brennan is going to be the fall guy, some small group and the FBI and a few people at the DOJ, at least they “hope” that will be the limit of the fallout.


Speaking of which, Betsy Devos is ending the investigation into for profit schools, an ex-Equifax lawyer is now in charge of the investigation into the Equifax breach, and Scott Pruitt somehow still has a job. I’m all for draining the swamp, but replacing it with a dirtier swamp isn’t exactly what I had in mind. It’s what I expected, but not what I had in mind.

Ah, I screamed your post out loud when I read it. May have coloured my view. I need to stop doing that.

… are you accusing me of treason? :frowning: I assure you sir, I… um, plead the fifth.

My point was basically that things can easily look one way but be another way. “The FBI uses INFORMANTS!” isn’t exactly a bombshell. I get that there’s an underlying theory that they’ve implanted the evidence of Russian collusion but that’s where the narrative loses me.

On that Brennan article, serious question in regards to the Strzok messages: what does “there’s no big there there” mean? “There’s no big there, there” would mean there’s no there in that place. “There’s no big ‘there-there’” is more like there’s no big reassurance. I’ve seen this message used a few times and I genuinely don’t understand it.

We all want to drain the swamp, give it time. Sometimes you need to keep enemies close, sometimes its not clear who is the swamp. The only thing is… its a shame people put their faith in the corporate Establishment media that is owned by the Bankster Swamp and always has been for decades. They will attack what they perceive as an outside threat the a decades old system.

I gaurantee if Trump was part of the old Establishment Swamp you wouldnt hear anything negative about him on their media. It would appear business as usual.

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Need to use all Caps to create that effect.

Followed by an exclamation mark.

Means there isn’t any big Trump/Russia collusion and Strzok knows it.

What this will boil down to is the dossier. People will start asking “how did all this get started”, and the Democrats will be left holding an unverified salacious dossier which they went to the Russians asking for evidence of Trump Russia collusion and got played.

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Shoulda gone to the Iraelis like Trump’s team!

Saw this earlier. Should add one to his Democrat dictionary.


  1. Spying - Investigating


More like this. All DACA are Valedictorians according to CNN,MSNBC, Bluffington Post and NewsWeak. Everytime I see them talk about Dreamers this is what they show as reference. How about some balance? How about telling both sides of the story and perspectives in between for balance and good non partisan journalism?

I grew up in L.A. sanctuary city heartland. I’m an Immigrant myself, liberal leaning…I can tell you…theres lots of MS-13 and 18th Street everywhere they control huge portions and cities within LA. In L.A. alone they number over 30,000! Thats the size of a modern Army Divison. Among 500+ other gangs with illegal immigrants. 18th street actually outnumbers MS-13 they are fierce rivals. 18th street only allows Mexicans but MS13 allows any Hispanics (mostly Central Americans) 18th Street they tend to be more 2nd, 3rd generation Mexican Americans and most are citizens unlike MS-13 which recruits 1st gen immigrants from El Salvador, Guatemala, Hondorus and are way more likely to be Illegal immigrants. In LA illegal immigrants can hold 1 million man protests…yes it happens in Downtown L.A. every few years.

When was the last time a million illegals (not immigrants) can protest against your country’s government openly and have financial/state support provided by your tax dollars?


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Swamp people don’t count as people in your view? :hushed:

Sure the ones that live in Lousiana, Not Washington DC

Interesting how all the conspiracy theories on one side turn out to be true.

Right, it looks like it was Stefan Halper. Still don’t care.

Thats the one thing the right doesn’t get about the left. Facts, logic, reason, don’t matter in the end analysis.

I wonder at which point would you care?

In your dreams, Rollo! Ain’t nobody gonna unmask K&K that easily. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Now that the hunt for commie moles in the Billy Bob administration has turned up an FBI mole instead it’s amusing how mainstream mouthpieces are playing it. Apparently Stefan Halper wasn’t there to spy on the Billy Bob campaign. He was there to protect it from Russian collusion.

Heh, heh, heh. Nobody fights The Swamp and wins.

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Just because they are a at a protest about illegals doesn’t mean they are all illegals.

Sure, that’s the left’s problem :roll_eyes:

I don’t think you’re supposed to call them illegals anymore. That’s xenophobic. You’re supposed to call them undocumented.

Doesn’t answer my question.