Poll on who will prepare your 2022 Chinese New Years Meal? (You can choose up to two)

In Ireland it’s the same. And you are supposed to meet up with friends from the locality. Partly because there are a lot of emigrants. Although it’s still family first.
And we do other stuff like going to horse racing or Christmas markets and fun fairs which are enjoyable.

CNY is…zzzzzz…burppp…zzzz…burpp…Beep beep.

Edit : I forgot…Shuffle shuffle…Clack clack…


People often just stay one of two days at the parents houses. Switching it up. God help the folks who need to spend a week crammed together.

This is true in the EU. I maybe different with some overseas background, but most Taiwanese (Chinese) its family first, but less so with younger people. Also with smaller family units in Taiwan some people mix more go get the old big group feeling.


In over 20 years nobody except direct in laws here invited me to do anything on CNY. I can’t recall it anyway. To be fair in the old days before I was married with a family there wasn’t anything to do, everything used to shut down. I just hung out with other foreigners in Kenting for the first three days when it was really quiet. Good times.


I don’t like “one week visitors”, two days is ok. One week, they go out as a tourist or visit others and use our house as free hotel.


Usually people will invite recent newcomers or tourist friends to holiday stuff.

Yeah, but if you’re someone trying to experience Taiwanese culture, it can feel like Taiwanese culture is locked behind a door. I can’t bloody cook it or know how to make authentic Taiwanese bbq in the mid autumn festival.

The restaurants don’t seem too concerned with providing such a service either as they’re largely closed with their families

There’s not really an easy way to experience local culture, both Han and Aboriginal, here minus marrying into it. Then everything becomes mandatory.


That is very true.


Kenting would be nice I guess less people, but not sure could get family to go along with it. Maybe put the food in the car the highway and go east for two hours and eat.

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We go to friends houses, have friends over at family or go out with friends during CNY (taiwanese family). The thing is i doubt people have a friend that will cook for them the entire holiday, unlike grandma, mom etc. In my experiences only the first couple days are important, and mostly for meals. Otherwise its pretty open as far as coming and going, inviting friends etc. I always found it more welcoming than christmas in canada, but far far more boring/less intimate. At least in the sense people here seem to care less about their family time being shared with outsiders.

Come watch TV. Drink? Hungry? Or, your leaving? Bye. I like taiwan for this.

This is Taipei at its best! :rofl:


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Gah. Yeah, Taipei is empty in CNY these days, sure. Just like it’s full of bicycle rickshaws and corner loudspeakers blaring out the glories of the KMT, with armed soldiers positioned at major intersections, and you can buy Teresa Teng’s latest vinyl record at the nearby store that is absolutely not a 7-11 because chain stores aren’t a thing in Taiwan yet.

I’m probably mixing up a few time periods or even different countries there.


I could actually start to feel the quieting down today mid-afternoon.

So no it’s not completely dead, and no Teresa Teng that I could see. But I still like it. :upside_down_face:



I see the stir crazy is settling in nicely. Enjoy the quiet(er) week :slight_smile:


The last thing I want is to be invited to CNY dinner. I find the traditional holiday food to be the most unappealing. I don’t know what it is about Chinese food, but the more effort that is put in/the more expensive it is the worse it is. Chinese food really shines when it’s cheap like street food or a noodle shop etc.

Thanksgiving is about the same though. I stopped eating the traditional food years ago because who really wants Turkey anyway. Make what you want eat what you want.

We no longer make the effort to truck down south for the new year either. What’s a nice quiet village in normal times turns into a contest to see how many people and fireworks we can fit in one spot. I’ll enjoy my week off in peace.


I’ll be making beef stew with roasted potatoes. We’re inviting several Taiwanese friends who either don’t have family here anymore, or who chose not to travel this LNY. Stew, wine, friends, family. Good times


In my case, I have invitations but I avoid them. The food is not great, the tv programs chosen afterwards horrid. Staying over for the holidays even worse,boring bordering and easily reaching desperation. I love my friends but no heavens, please. I disconnect the phone and go undercover those days. I like my home.


Everyone is gone from my building. I am the sole soul.

There is like one family per building here.

The market was still going strong but staples like eggs and bananas have been gone a couple of days.

I am using Uber for sustenance as long as they are working. Yes, I am generous with the tips.

Most breakfast places are closed already and will be until Friday. Restaurants seem to be winding down too. I know the main road will have a teppanyaki that won’t close and one or two more. But choices will be abysmal.

Hope the weather cooperates for a bike ride or at least a walk.


That is the thing. Many people here are kind hearted and invite you with no strings attached. When I was a poor student with nothing to offer I was very grateful and have not forgotten those people, with whom I still keep in touch 20 years down the line.

There may be others who invite you to show off but those are relegated to the forgotten bin.


I cant wait till w can send all these city retards back to you. Only 2 days in and i am fed up with the ass hole drivers, entitled quasi korean dipshits and the general lack of class and sanitation expressed by said entitled tourists. Thankfully im headed to trailer park of pigung where hety arent, at least, destroying anything not already broken.

So far 3 bottles in, how about you guys?

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Pretty entertained. Keep the updates coming! :rofl:
