
There’s actually nothing imaginary about it except for the name and the exact number of jobs. I know people who do that sort of work for a living, and as far as I’ve seen, they’re not extremists.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at. She thought a corporation was being greedy (asking for too big a concession from the state), so she led a protest. What’s postmodern or extremist about that?

Let me rephrase that. Basically, the way I see it is, if you have a political establishment that’s corrupt, incompetent, and complacent even though it can’t manage to defeat a shockingly unpopular opponent, then you have a lot of work to do, and if the best you can come up with is (to paraphrase the lady in the discussion) “we need to condemn identity politics”, then I think you should go back to the drawing board. Sure, some swing voters just want to be reassured that they won’t get sent to pronoun gulags if they vote for X, but I think most of the people who stay up at night worrying about that are not swing voters.

I try not to tout easy answers to complex problems, but if I need to boil it down, I would say education, information, and determination. By education I mean not so much facts as understanding (critical thinking, analysis, problem solving). By information I mean getting people out of their chambers – something they would be likely to do anyway if they had learned about the chambers back in school. By determination I mean giving a :banana:, aka the opposite of apathy.

Are you really? :astonished:

@discobot fortune