Progressive values vs traditional liberal values

Who on the board is right wing? :thinking:

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I’d put you in that category Doctor if you’re asking the question. And completely agree with Hanna’s assertion that there are plenty of Right wing posters claiming to be or were once liberals. I don’t think that changes actual liberal values but certainly does confuse things a bit.

I wonder if this is really due to embarrassment of associating oneself with the Right wing. It’s a strange phenomenon that many Republicans like to say they are conservative and not Republicans. Or conservatives who claim they are or once were liberals but so jaded by I dunno PC culture? Perhaps to make oneself seem more reasonable well balanced?


Which of my values would categorize me as right wing?

List them and I will tell you. I don’t presume to know your values but can make an educated guess based on your posts and memes.

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In other words, this is your completely subjective assessment and has no connection to reality whatsoever.


It is an opinion. The only possible response to your question would be an opinion and inherently subjective. Now go ahead and tell us what your values are. Does PC culture get under your skin? Are you tired of the govt telling what to do, what to think, how to act?

I mean it’s obvious from the memes you post.

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Yes to one, no to two. Are you saying annoyance with PC culture makes one right wing? That seems a bit absurd.

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Why not just list your values? I actually think it would be interesting to see how all of the regulars would place themselves on the spectrum vs how they are perceived by others.

Not in and of itself but certainly an indicator and trend of right wing. Do you see much complaining about PC culture from left wing outlets?

Here’s some more
Do you think voter fraud is a problem? As in something that happens regularly and could be influencing elections.

Do you think people on welfare are just looking for a handout? Or is there a widespread issue of people on welfare abusing the system?

I’ve done that before when accused of being a right winger…lazy to write it out again. You can probably find it with a search.

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Ok so I am not the only one that would make that assertion.

Its interesting you find called right wing being an accusation.


Don’t think it’s a big problem, but obviously something that shouldn’t be encouraged.

No and no.

A lot of people have weird ideas these days, what can I say?

Not an accusation, just not accurate.

I dare say this is one of the problems with memes and other forms of political communication that can be left open to interpretation. Lots of wiggle room there.

I think putting your political stances on issues in more clear less ambiguous terms and less sarcastic terms would leave less room for misunderstanding.

Sarcasm overall makes it hard to have an exchange of ideas.

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If someone holds positions X, Y, and Z, and call themselves a left winger, right winger, progressive, liberal, or pumpkin, is there a difference? They still hold positions X, Y, and Z. If we know nothing about their positions, do any of the labels have any significance?


In a political atmosphere where liberal can have negative connotations among certain groups or posters, I’d say yes significant.

This is a good thing. It’s like art. Everybody has their own interpretation. This interpretation usually says more about the viewer than the artist.

Any label can have negative connotations among certain groups.

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That’s the point with memes. It’s an accountability dodge if done in certain ways.

If you’re never taking clear stand on issues you can’t complain others are getting you wrong.

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Accountability? You’re talking like I’m an elected official or something. :grin: