Proposal for Slavery Reparations

I certainly like to see reparations for those who lived thru Jim Crow era.

Going to college for free wonā€™t work until we improve schools for AAs. In many ways, the damage is done. AAs (when viewed as a whole) donā€™t value education the way other groups do. This is likely because they have been systematically denied these opportunities and still suffer from our method of school funding. Free college sounds like a good way to help AAs help themselves but, in the end, bootstrapping it is the American way.

Not true.

You should write a letter to my textbook. @anon38216271

Zero income taxes for high school graduates with GEDs or better for X amount of years after diploma.
Zero or extremely low business taxes for black businesses (majority owned amd domiciled in U.S. and running for X amount of years).
Donā€™t hand out a free meal. Zero taxes will spur the desire to contribute to the economy.
It would be like free-trade zones popping up everywhere.

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Iā€™m with Andrew Yang on this one. UBI is more effective than reparations. any social program that requires some kind of audit for qualification is going to be expensive and ineffective.

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You have to give me context as to what youā€™re talking about.

Can you tell me what was incorrect about my previous statement?

Iā€™m still in a wait and see about the UBI but there was a Black mayor who proposed this and is doing it.

I would agree that some social programs do more harm than good and then with them only focusing on one race youā€™ll have the loud haters banging their drums. Affirmative action is a great example.

After the dusk settles, but while the smoke is still rising, I think America (and I mean white America) might want to just to listen and question how to go forward in regards to AA.

Personally, if we really want to end race based programs, America might want to eliminate putting race on all government documents. Use economics to bridge gaps.


It would be good to see why minorities especially black people are much better integrated in the UK than compared to America. I realise itā€™s not a direct apple to apple comparison but thereā€™s a huge difference in terms of integration , as somebody who has spent a bit of time in both countries.
I suspect itā€™s related to broader social mobility and social cushions and yes a more progressive (they had issues even back in the 60s and 70s but they dealt with it pretty well ) society.
Drug criminalisation is crazy, if you get a conviction how are you going to raise your family or yourself out of the mire legally even if you want to ?


The idea that AAs donā€™t value education as much as other groups.

I would say itā€™s a minority with the minority that do.

Hereā€™s one example ; Black women become most educated group in US | The Independent | The Independent

And I would say thatā€™s true. Letā€™s use my family for a small sample.
Maternal side (16 ppl):
100% have HS diploma
15 have have college degrees
9 have masterā€™s degree and/or medical degrees
2 have Phds

Weā€™re not some unicorn.


I canā€™t speak at all to UK experience but I would like to understand more about it.

My understanding is that itā€™s not as integrated as the UK would put forth however I will say my experience with white Brits have been far more equatable than with most white Americans.

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@anon38216271 Based on your small sample Iā€™d say black folks donā€™t need reparations at all. Iā€™m out.

I was surprised when I went to London and chatted with the black Londoners and I really couldnā€™t see any gap between them and the other colour Londoners that I worked with. They were all just English and colour just was not a big deal. I donā€™t know how to describe it well, although London is a multicultural place I guess.

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I betting that many do have experiences but didnā€™t discuss it.

Just because you were around to see the tree fall doesnā€™t mean it didnā€™t make a sound when it did. :joy::joy::joy:


Can I claim some cash from those who were behind the Barbary slave trade? How far back can we go?


Cotes is a wonderful writer. Very articulate.

The Case for Reparations
Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole.


Current bill in Congress

Thanks Iā€™ll check it out.

People tend to downplay how recently Jim Crow was and that a good % of living black people grew up separate but unequal under the law, and forget how hard those gains were to accomplish. Itā€™s why the attacks on identity politics are so frustrating and a sign of privilegeā€“the ability to speak oneā€™s mind freely or move about freely without fear only belonged to certain races in America until very recently.