Protein Shakes?

I eat fried chicken almost everyday. I eat lunch at the $50 buffet. I get plenty of green vegetables and only get half the usual portion of rice. I usually eat a breakfast sandwich from mos burger. I have a light meal at night. I drink beer most nights. Smoke like a devil.

I wanted to addā€¦

For each exercise after warmup, pick a weight you can do 8-15 reps and keep doing sets until you reach 50.

I wanted to emphasize. . .
Consistencyā€¦ thatā€™s what brings results in whatever you do

Now that you definitely need to stop. :smile:

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Not bad, thanks for the tips! And yes, I know dedication is key.

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I usually cook my own meals. Poached chicken, salmon, steamed/boiled vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot, etc. I try to avoid fried stuff, but Iā€™m not going to deny I sometimes eat a comfort meal now and then.

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Hey, can you give some more details on your weightlifting routine? do you do more volume or lift heavier with less reps? Thanks.

Iā€™m no expert but Iā€™ve been doing it long enough.

I shy away from any weight that I canā€™t comfortably do 10 or 12 times. Avoidi g injury is my biggest concern in deciding what weight to push or pull.

Iā€™ll warm up with milkman carries which is carrying a dumbbell in one hand around the gym. I do this to get the back muscles stimulated for my leg routine. When doing squats you really want your core charged up and ready. Iā€™ll do some squats without any weight then load the bar. Depending on what area is available Iā€™ll start with squats or deadlifts. Last week I did deadlifts first on a nice machine then had to use the smith machine for squats as everything else was full. With the smith machine I was able to load more weight and finished 4 sets. Really felt it the next days as the extra weight was great. Iā€™m 6ā€™2 and really skinny and have had knee problems in the past so I am very careful with squats etcā€¦ I always do squats and leg curls and at times will do leg press. I ride my bike nearly every day so my legs are pretty much in proportion as the rest of my body.

Back day - warm up with curls and seating cable pulldowns. Body weight Chin ups. Seated row on machine. Seated 45Ā° pulldown/row. One arm rows. Curls with dumbbells and barbell. Will often switch this routine to begin with curls and the next session start with shoulders or chest.

Shoulders, triceps, and chest -

Warm everything up good with light dumbbells and pushups. I love doing dips. I use only my body weight so I control both concentric and eccentric motion to dictate the number of reps. Usually go for 10 to 12. I might start putting a dumbbell between my feet as my shoulders feel pretty healthy now.

Seated dumbbell shoulder press. Seated or standing front barbell press for shoulders with narrow grip.

Incline press. Decline press. Pushups.
Lateral raise shoulder machine. Face pulls. Seated machine posterior deltoid pulls (opposite weight and movement to seated flys for the chest. Tricep extensions with cable pulldown. Will do 3 sets of each.

Lost weight and body fat while maintaining muscle. The middle line is skeletal muscle weight.

I wasnā€™t trying to lose weight or fat.

My problem is I need more sleep. Iā€™m pretty sure I eat enough and get enough protein. Surely too much stress as well.