Psycho Xiaojies: A warning from history!

瘋子小姐? Could just use 神經病.



I wonder how the Taiwanese men deal with this type of women here, or they only do this to foreigners?

Oh for the love of fuck, don’t encourage him, jeez

ETA: Here:


Probably the same way any other man does.

People are toxic in relationships because that’s the only thing they know. I don’t think it’s different depending on whether someone is foreign or local. The only difference I can think of is it might be somewhat easier to dupe a foreigner because they can’t always get as accurate of a read on your true nature and intentions.

But I don’t think it’s healthy to entertain the idea that the local crazies are targeting foreigners. They really just want dummies who will fall for their tricks. And if you’re a dum-dum foreigner, well…easy pickings!


This was originally coined as an English term, so there isn’t really any Chinese for it. Although they do use the term 瘋婆.


Totally agree. But it seems Taiwanese men don’t really care much. A bit of the 不要想太多philosophy. I am just wondering if they take it so much to heart as a foreigner does. Sure they are toxic, but if the society here expects already that you will extremelly damage/be damaged after a break up maybe they just accept it?

Friend of mine owns an auto repair shop in Taipei. He had a new Mustang and a newer Civic both in for body damage repair. The owners used to be a couple but who were breaking up. When the Civic owner had to wait in the parking garage too long for him to come downstairs (heard it was only a couple of minutes) she got so upset that she rammed his Mustang with her Civic. Since both vehicles were at the same repair shop, I think you might actually be on to something here. lol


There are a lot of pathetic men that would do anything for the pussy. Have a little self respect. Sadly society seems to only deem women the victims of bad relationships. I’ve seen enough women torment a guy and totally strip him of any ounce of manhood. It might tug on us like a black eye from a abusive man. But there are plenty of women that will sleep around and ruin your life while taking half of your wealth and you’ll never hear anything about it.

Chris brown beats Rhianna, national news. Everyone knows. And rightfully so.

Anyone know about what’s happening to my one my favorite ball player, Scotti Pippen? Wife was fucking around with other rappers like future. Literally made zero attempt to hid it with instagram pictures all over at his house and at the club. Scotti still took her back. She leaves him again and files for divorce. Guess how much of scottis money she’s getting? Why the fuck does she deserve any of his money? And they even have a kid together. I was wondering why he’s working as an announcer again. He’s about to lose half his career earnings. And No one cares.

I don’t think this is true. I think we all know at least one man who’s been fucked over by some demon hag from hell. People of any gender are capable of evil.

I think it’s just that a man beating or killing his wife/girlfriend is a more shocking news story than a woman screwing up a guy’s life and finances, so you always hear about the physical violence but you don’t hear about those personal tragedies as much. Plus, I imagine they don’t want to share, since it’s pretty humiliating.

Really, let’s take violence out of it. How many times does a women cheating go on the news?

Even for you, this is a blisteringly stupid thing to say.


Cheating doesn’t really make the news at all unless it’s some high profile affair…at least, not the real news. Tabloids and TMZ and such.

Are we comparing cheating with murder and beat ups?

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We aren’t. He is.


Please, go look at any celebrity magazines.

Women cheating, “omg so scandalous! Who’s the guy?” She cry’s in an apology about how she wasn’t getting emotional needs blah blah blah. All is forgiven, that poor girl wasn’t getting enough attention.

Men cheating, men are all pigs! So typical! Let’s destroy his life and take half his money! You go girl!

But…I don’t want to look at those. I don’t think very many people do, unless they are insanely bored. It’s mostly made up junk anyway. Paparazzi takes some easily misconstrued photos and then the writers make up melodramatic narratives around them.

@Andrew0409 both are really terrible : physical violence and emotional abuse (depending on the level of it).
But it is pretty clear that if you got a beating from your SO, or survived and attempt of murder there will be phychological sequels that might not even be treatable 100%.

If women are dying and being amputated, thrown acid at etc, for sure this will make the news and not women sleeping around. If a woman slept around she didn’t hurt, per se, the guy. Sleeping around when in a relationship in my opinion is imoral. But never to be compared to hurting someone’s body.

I am pretty sure that between 2 cases: man sleeps around and cheat on wife for 2 whole years and woman threw boiling oil on husband, the latter would be on the news.

I’m saying.

Women abuse men in Cleary different ways that gets overlooked because physical abuse is more shocking.

Women don’t usually have the physical ability to do much violent damage to men. I’ve seen enough women hit men 100% strength and it barely does much damage.