Queen Elizabeth II has died aged 96

Or maybe we can finally bring in this guy.


Now now, at least for today let us preserve a slight bit of dignity and not get all giddy about burgers .

It is a big day for King Chuck (err sorry Charles).

Many are saying just that, that they will prefer some fresh blood after the mess with Diana and not wanting whats her face to be Queen and after waiting decades for Charles to get the throneship. Charlie just got old like the perfume of the same name.


And have you noticed how every American president ends up meeting the Brit Royalty? Like a rite of passage .

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Youā€™re aging yourself and myself, as I recognize that tune.

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Sad day indeed.
But, Iā€™m still not over Dianaā€™s death. That event really did change the world.

RIP a chairde.

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Iā€™m not sure it changed the world but a billion people watched it live on tv
Me too

Still I see the Brit royal family as like a real life fairy tale

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Chuck the Turd

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But only with certain accents

First new Australian monarch of both mine and my parents lifetimeā€¦ 3rd for my grandmother.

The only reigning monarch to visit Australia.

Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth R.I.P.



She made an impact and was a role model for many for how one should act with grace and dignity through trial and tribulation as well as happy times

She was in some ways a mother figure to many

And she represented the Spirit of the British people

Among other images I remember one of her breaking with tradition and standing in black outside the palace

Along with her crew

As Diana was drawn past her in her last carriage ride

A Queen acknowledging the Queen of Hearts that Diana was

Breaking with tradition just as Diana broke with tradition

Diana should have become Queen today

But fairly tales donā€™t always turn out as one expected

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Queen Elizabeth the Second was larger than life

And the only other person who could have filled those shoes was Diana who too was larger than life

Both are gone
Both are and will be mourned long after their passing

A little tiny bit of us all died when Diana died
And a little bit of us all died today with Elizabeth

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(says Two)

I have to say, one of the nice parts of being in Taiwan as opposed to Canada is that King Chuck is not the head of state here.


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See what I mean? :grin:


I liked the queen, but this is fucking stupid.

What is the point in canceling games out a show of respect?

She was still just one woman and thousands die in the UK every day. Hundreds of thousands of people now have to cancel hotels, find new babysitters etc.

A boxing event is doing a weigh in behind closed doors. Ha ha. What difference does it make? Big boxing fan was she?


Biden has sent his heart felt condolences to her family. Out of respect for her memory, he is going to watch Fast and the Furious and RED.

She was a big fan of horse racing and wrestling.