Race superiority, wtf?!

Im glad I come from Australia, the superior country!

This wasn’t meant to start an argument, it’s just a reflection on how screwed up the world is.
I really wish this wasn’t the case and I think it’s the one thing we really need to overcome if there’s ever going to be anything close to peace and quiet on this planet…

[quote=“TheLostSwede”]This wasn’t meant to start an argument, it’s just a reflection on how screwed up the world is.
I really wish this wasn’t the case and I think it’s the one thing we really need to overcome if there’s ever going to be anything close to peace and quiet on this planet…[/quote]

Well in the meantime we can do this:

Have a Coke Cola

Here are the lyrics for you to sing along to:


        I'd like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love,

        Grow apple trees and honey bees, and snow white turtle doves.

        I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony,

        I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company.

        [Repeat the last two lines, and in the background:]

        It's the real thing, Coke is what the world wants today.[/quote]

Mayor Daly was black?

Mayor Daly was black?[/quote]

Daley. Please, the irish in me gets a little ticked off with the misspelling. :laughing: :laughing:

Jean Baptiste Point du Sable Weren’t you paying attention during my black history month?!?!? Okay, no tater tots for you today, young man.

and I thought this thread would be about why Michael Schumacher is superior to all those other racers… vroom vroom…

[quote=“Namahottie”][quote=“TheLostSwede”]This wasn’t meant to start an argument, it’s just a reflection on how screwed up the world is.
I really wish this wasn’t the case and I think it’s the one thing we really need to overcome if there’s ever going to be anything close to peace and quiet on this planet…[/quote]

Well in the meantime we can do this:

Have a Coke Cola

Here are the lyrics for you to sing along to:


        I'd like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love,

        Grow apple trees and honey bees, and snow white turtle doves.

        I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony,

        I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company.

        [Repeat the last two lines, and in the background:]

        It's the real thing, Coke is what the world wants today.[/quote][/quote]

That’s why places like the (historic) Scottish Highlands and Somalia are so comforting- they’re all the same race, all the same colour, all speak the same language and all belong to the same religion- so they divide into clans and slaughter each other on that basis.

[quote=“Namahottie”][quote=“TheLostSwede”]This wasn’t meant to start an argument, it’s just a reflection on how screwed up the world is.
I really wish this wasn’t the case and I think it’s the one thing we really need to overcome if there’s ever going to be anything close to peace and quiet on this planet…[/quote]

Well in the meantime we can do this:

Have a Coke Cola

Here are the lyrics for you to sing along to:


        I'd like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love,

        Grow apple trees and honey bees, and [b]snow white turtle doves.[/b]

        I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony,

        I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company.

        [Repeat the last two lines, and in the background:]

        It's the real thing, Coke is what the world wants today.[/quote][/quote]

So why’s it gotta be white birds? Are black birds too inferior to promote peace and understanding?

[quote=“ImaniOU”][quote=“Namahottie”][quote=“TheLostSwede”]This wasn’t meant to start an argument, it’s just a reflection on how screwed up the world is.
I really wish this wasn’t the case and I think it’s the one thing we really need to overcome if there’s ever going to be anything close to peace and quiet on this planet…[/quote]

Well in the meantime we can do this:

Have a Coke Cola

Here are the lyrics for you to sing along to:


        I'd like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love,

        Grow apple trees and honey bees, and [b]snow white turtle doves.[/b]

        I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony,

        I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company.

        [Repeat the last two lines, and in the background:]

        It's the real thing, Coke is what the world wants today.[/quote][/quote]

So why’s it gotta be white birds? Are black birds too inferior to promote peace and understanding?

There’s gotta be a Grateful Dead song to answer this. The Beatles’ “Blackbird” is too obvious.

[quote=“t.ukyo”][quote=“Tyc00n”]Lots of cultures continue today to preach to their young that they are priveliged blah blah. The French are claiming cultural superiority, the Italians are living in their past glory of the Roman Empire, the Japanese have always maintained a view on their Race as being pure, and we don’t even need to mention the Germans!

Oh, please do mention the Germans! I would very much like to know more about the notion of race superiority in (mainstream) Germany TODAY, like RIGHT NOW.[/quote]

…or what? You’ll start another war? :laughing:

[quote=“Tyc00n”][quote=“t.ukyo”][quote=“Tyc00n”]Lots of cultures continue today to preach to their young that they are priveliged blah blah. The French are claiming cultural superiority, the Italians are living in their past glory of the Roman Empire, the Japanese have always maintained a view on their Race as being pure, and we don’t even need to mention the Germans!

Oh, please do mention the Germans! I would very much like to know more about the notion of race superiority in (mainstream) Germany TODAY, like RIGHT NOW.[/quote]

…or what? You’ll start another war? :laughing:[/quote]
There was a nice article about it in the economist a few issues back. The government was worried about foreigners being attacked during the world cup.

this post started with a question,

then the second response sounded a fair argument: ‘national pride vs. racism’

then the other six pages were from those trying to get their jabs/humor/sarcasm in there for our/their amusement.

so, whether the lost swede is referring to his experience in taiwan or his experience on forumosa is undetermined.


simple as that.

the ‘national pride’ someone feels does not make them a racist.

kicking someone out of your establishment because of their race does make you a racist.

race can be a crutch, or an excuse; but who here was able to choose their race as they were being conceived??;

or race can be a trivial part of someone;…as trivial as the color of their eyes, hair, their skin, their clothes, their piercings, their tatoos.

give me a break. race is an issue only if people make it an issue. if they do, forget them. if they don’t, fine. get over it… what’s the alternative?..hitlers’ dream? not gonna happen.

it’s up to us, the current generations to continue on a path of oneness, globalization, equality, and most of all appreciating and celebrating diversity. just do this, the one’s with hatred will die in their own pathetic world of their own making. we can go on and continue to celebrate each other if we chose to.

i like rainbows. i like the not only the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, but i really like the way the different colors blend together and make colors unique and different as they blend. oh, happy rainbows, show us how to be a happy people.


I think that discussing race, you have to have some humor/srcasm/jabs in there for amusement. Even if the question is legit. It keeps the emotional high drama down.

[quote=“SuchAFob”][quote=“Tyc00n”][quote=“t.ukyo”][quote=“Tyc00n”]Lots of cultures continue today to preach to their young that they are priveliged blah blah. The French are claiming cultural superiority, the Italians are living in their past glory of the Roman Empire, the Japanese have always maintained a view on their Race as being pure, and we don’t even need to mention the Germans!

Oh, please do mention the Germans! I would very much like to know more about the notion of race superiority in (mainstream) Germany TODAY, like RIGHT NOW.[/quote]

…or what? You’ll start another war? :laughing:[/quote]
There was a nice article about it in the economist a few issues back. The government was worried about foreigners being attacked during the world cup.[/quote]

True, but nothing actually happened. Anyhow, these neo-nazis are the best examples for racists who are suffering from an inferiority complex (and rightfully so). They’re also not what I’d call “mainstream”, at least not outside their poverty-stricken villages.

However, I managed to find this: “Racism in Germany is usually associated with far-right groups and neo-Nazis. But anti-racism campaigners say the country’s advertising industry is also guilty of rampant insensitivity towards ethnic minorities.” Have a look at the article, I got the impression Taiwanese and Germans are really similar in this aspect. :wink:

well, good point, to a point namahottie,

discussing racism needs some form of humor, because, after all, those who are the racists, are, in fact, interesting specimens…full of things i can not fathom. but i would guess they are those that are fed info by their forebearers. how many of these “racists” do you think have traveled the globe?? probably very few. only feeds their view.

but, ‘to a point’, we need to realize that the world is changing now more than it did during the 20th century. some hold on to their views they grew up with and try to pass on.

the new global economy/mindset/excitement/joy would be foolish to hold on to any views of ‘racism’.

i think globalization in all its’ forms may be a good end to anyone who has views of one specific race being any better than others.

i think people who are racist have probably not travelled very far from their own backyard. they are taught what to believe, what to feel, and whom they trust are those within their tiny circle.

racists may seem evil, but i feel like the racists of the 21st century are simply those ignorant, fearful, impressionable people who have not had the chance to get their ass out of X county and see what virtues the world holds.

why give so much power to a group of dumb, misinformed, gullable, stagnant people???


You’d be surprised how many racists actually do travel. I have family that has never lived or travelled outside of Chicago, but they aren’t racists. They just have excuses for not wanting to do so, or they just aren’t so inclined. Not everyone is meant to travel. How much and where you travel isn’t a proper indication of a person’s disposition. But how they travel withyou is a whole another barrel of fish. :smiley:

I’ve meet many cranky jerks over here and elsewhere.

[quote=“bismarck”][quote=“Serial Killer On Parole”][quote=“Namahottie”]Nama X says :beatnik:

We all orginated from the same place. Africa.[/quote]

No thats not true, it’s a myth. :smiley: :smiley:[/quote]

I’m pretty sure I originated in Africa. Says so in my passport… :saywhat:[/quote]

Doesnt say that in my passport… :smiley: :smiley:

It’s a damned myth that we all originated in Africa. Last night I when I return to my heavens helm to chat wtih God like I do every Friday he said it aint so.

I’m also allowed back down to earth again on Monday

Well, I’m not talking about anything specific, it’s just things that I’ve been thinking of over some time and partly from things I’ve read here which has further made me think about the subject.
I was in Grenada a couple of months ago, a tiny island in the Carribean. We went shopping in a local food store and as this was during the world cup, the local security guard in that shop was preaching to some friend of his that all Germans are Nazis, which really made me fume and I asked him if he’d ever been to Germany. Of course he hadn’t, but he had read it on the internet. WTF!! As if what you read on the internet is fact… yeah right! I have a problem with ignorant people like that and I can’t help myself and I have to tell them they are utterly wrong. Many moons ago when I went to college, there was a skinhead movement in that city and one guy in my college was insane enough to tatoo three crowns (the symobl of Sweden) and the city’s name and the word skins, into his forehead. I have a feeling that guy might not be alive today.
Once I was of the naive belief that only white people where racists, but that’s come to change, especially when I moved to the UK and found that even black people hate other black people becuse they’re from a different part of the world… huh?!?
I just don’t get this stuff, does it really matter?

Oh, then don’t come to the states. Light skinned/dark skinned black situation would throw you for a real loop. :loco: