Racial Tensions in US 2020

Bad Mayor! Bad! :service_dog:

Trump agrees:

Why do you sound so happy?

Barr gave the order to assault peaceful protestors:


Attorney General William Barr is facing demands to step down after the Washington Post reported Tuesday that the nation’s top law enforcement official personally ordered police to beat back peaceful protesters gathered near the White House Monday evening to clear the path for President Donald Trump’s walk to St. John’s Episcopal Church.

Two anonymous federal law enforcement officials told the Post that “the decision had been made late Sunday or early Monday to extend the perimeter around Lafayette Square by one block.” An unnamed Justice Department official said that Barr on Monday afternoon “went to survey the scene and found the perimeter had not been extended.”

The attorney general conferred with law enforcement officials on the ground, which the official said is captured in a video of the incident," the Post reported. “He conferred with them to check on the status and basically said: ‘This needs to be done. Get it done,’ the Justice Department official said.”

National Guard soldiers and police proceeded to club peaceful protesters with batons and fire tear gas canisters into crowds as Trump delivered a speech on the nationwide uprising sparked by the killing of George Floyd. The New York Times reported Tuesday that Barr “had strolled to the edge of the police line to observe the crowd in the minutes before the tear-gassing began.”

Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) was the first Democratic member of Congress to demand Barr’s resignation in the wake of the Post 's reporting, which was confirmed by ABC News .

“The Attorney General is the top law enforcement officer in the country, the leader of an agency meant to protect Americans’ constitutional rights,” Beyer tweeted Tuesday. "Barr betrayed that mission by ordering the violent and systematic violation of peaceful protesters’ rights. He should resign.


Failed President Crowd Control

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Now out come veterans.


Over 300 veterans have signed onto an open letter encouraging members of the National Guard to respond to the “moral choice” in front of them by refusing orders to deploy against protesters in streets across the nation.

“We urge you to have the courage to do the right thing,” the letter says. “Refuse activation orders.”

Protests over the May 25 killing of unarmed black man George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers have spread around the country, leading to confrontations between demonstrators and heavily armed police.

The open letter was coordinated by About Face: Veterans Against the War, a group that describes itself as composed of “post-9/11 service members and veterans organizing to end a foreign policy of permanent war and the use of military weapons, tactics, and values in communities across the country.” It was released the same day President Donald Trump threatened protesters with violence, tweeting that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”

Referencing that tweet, the letter urges other veterans to remember that “it is your community members who fill the streets, while your Commander in Chief tweets about using you to murder people over something as insignificant as property damage.”

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How many companies have donated to free the looters?
Nike goes woke, gets looted.

Will he be mentioned on CNN and other MSM? Will BLM say anything?

Okay, here’s my issue with using AA voters to refute the idea that there’s no echo chamber. It ignores the fact that some AAs can and do support racist ideas and policies.

I get that many who don’t vote for Trump may not agree with racist rhetoric. But this is where you (general sense) need to speak up.

I dunno, probably zero, because it would be really stupid to support looters.

Companies are supporting BLM and anti-police brutality. Because it’s right, and also they’re not stupid, mostly.

I supported his tariffs. But I certainly make sure that I let it be known that I don’t agree with his racist rhetoric.

Just Loot It
Eat, Sleep, Loot
Looted, Not Bought
Looting Never Stops
Be Criminal


“This horrible human had some good ideas”.

Sometimes a ride is so dangerous, even if you think parts of it are fun, it’s probably a good idea to get off.

Dystopian nightmare, reminds me of North Korea, except, here the people believe it:


I like the overall message in your post. But the idea that old racists die off and that’s the end is a fallacy to me.

Racism continues because the behavior and mentality is passed on. If anything, the boldness/YOLO of the millennial generation has shown me how embedded it is.

Not to say other generations don’t but there at least was a level of tacit when it came to it. Or rather dog-whistles like Trump and his ilk like to trade in.

its a hands up/don’t shoot chant in honor of people killed by cops.

The thing about these protests is they are working. There are hundreds of thousands in major cities out all in support of this movement.

Why aren’t you? What about watching people demonstrate for less violence against black people is upsetting to you?

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“about racism, anti-blackness, or violence. I will use my voice in the most uplifting way possible. And do everything in my power to educate my community. I will love my black neighbors the same as my white ones”

People believe it. Scandalous! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe you thought nobody would check. :sweat_smile:

“I pledge to be uplifting and educate my community and love all my neighbors”.

cake: ‘Reminds me of North Korea’

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