Racial Tensions in US 2020

Trump is consistent with his winks in this presidency, and his racism throughout his life though.

Saying people have good genes makes you a Nazi now? This is getting a tad ridiculous.

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This guy makes a lot of sense.

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The question of journalistic standards comes into play. An article based on a Twitter post.


Not much about whateverā€™s happening in Louisville here, mostly an interesting talk about a lot of aspects of policing and the drug war with an guy from ā€œBlack Guns Matterā€

Iā€™ve been saying this for years. Blacks will NOT give up their guns. Ever wonder why gun control is never mentioned for any great length of time in the MSM. Thatā€™s why.

The Trump Reich will march into central and south America for sure.

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The issue is whether the police identified themselves before forcing open the door, or were they on a no-knock search warrant. They were plainclothes and didnā€™t have body cameras. It went before a jury who heard all the evidence and decided the cops did identify themselves and were justified to return fire when shot at. Taylor did nothing wrong and of course her death is a tragedy, but the only issue I can see is perhaps the racial makeup of the jury. If it was all white people then I can appreciate the complaints of people of color. I very much doubt the jury was all white.


This was a good statement of their decision-making.


Itā€™s so strange the people I know that are normally rational and sane people refuse to accept the facts of this case. Iā€™m against no knock raids. But this wasnā€™t a no knock raid, they didnā€™t go to the wrong house, she wasnā€™t shot in bed in cold blood, the bf shot first and hit an officer.

No matter the evidence, people still refuse to believe it. Itā€™s pretty crazy to see.



But seriously, the BLM protesters (nearly all white people BTW) all singing ā€œhands up donā€™t shootā€ despite it being proven definitively that did not happen shows you how strong the narrative is once it is programmed.

Sometimes itā€™s worth looking back and looking at how things were initially reported, knowing what we know now.


Itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve heard of no-knock search warrants, and they do seem very wrong. I also think the police should be uniformed when carrying out search warrants. Anyone can claim to be a police officer, at least a uniform makes it more credible that they are who they say they are. Getting woken at 1am is going to leave the homeowner in a confused state, so things need to be as clear as possible. In addition, body cameras must become mandatory.

Having said that, the police were shot at so obviously they had to return fire. What else do people protesting expect them to have done?

The problem is that in some places in some US cities a uniformed cop will never get the chance to hand over a warrant. The person to be arrested will be long gone before the cops even get on his step. If you have a warrant out on you, well you know that, and a cop uniform is like a neon ā€œLetā€™s Go To Jailā€ sign.

I agree that any cop delivering a warrant should be wearing a body cam, especially a plainclothes cop.

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Yeah, itā€™s difficult.

The bottom line is one of the cops was shot so they returned fire. Iā€™m at a loss as to what else they could have done; other than not raid properties, attempt to stop criminal activity or try to arrest people. Iā€™m beginning to get the feeling that that is what some protesters want.

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Thereā€™s this idea of over policing the black community. Which I donā€™t get now that I really think about.

Most of these real rough black neighborhoods, cops donā€™t even go to. If anything, these communities need more policing. You need peace, security, and safety for a community to thrive and money to flow in.

You canā€™t complain that only liquor stores open in your neighborhood but everything else that opens gets robbed and shot up so they leave and blame over policing.

OK, so the other day I drive into Albany, right on the demarcation line from crappy neighborhood to bad, guys sitting on stoops as armed lookouts kind of neighborhood. I go bc I must have my monthly taste of Halal Chicken. Talk to the shop keep and ask about the string of murders and drive bys over the summer. He says that the cops, in uniform, now do hourly walkabouts. Park their cruiser, and one of them strolls the block. Every hour.

Presence is whatā€™s needed. Good on them.


Indeed. Strong, effective and fair institutions make for successful countries. This is why towns split between the USA and Mexico, say, are highly successful on the US side but a disaster on the Mexican side. It has nothing to do with the people who live there - they donā€™t have a chance if the institutions are ineffective.

Black communities will only go further downhill if they listen to the defund the police idiots - many of whom appear to be rich white kids.