Racial Tensions in US 2020

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Where they can drive 5 minutes to Indianastan and load up on guns because NRA

Who are ‘these people’ and on what basis is this judgement made

Is that a myth to ‘people like this guy’?

I was being sarcastic.


My bad.

Although the rebel in me wasn’t flinching when they went after the precinct. What kind of fucked up police force are they running? Some shady information is coming into light now.

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No problem.

Their police policies aren’t any different than others around the country–they always have been for many police forces in the US, imo. I think you said you studied post Antebellum so, I think core mentalities can be found there and a review of history can show how fragile relations have been btw any group that has been marginalized and police are involved. IJS

I’ve honestly never liked the US police force in general. I’ve met some good cops who were cool, but I’ve met a lot of ass hole cops who have power trips. Imo, they tend to attract either chill guys who are just looking for a cool job and safe pay. Or guys with little man syndrome trying to get a power trip. Something about US police that really makes me feel uncomfortable. They don’t feel like they’re on my side, trying to help and protect me.

I don’t feel that way in Europe or in Taiwan. My heart pounds when I see a US cop in my mirror driving around.

Police aren’t on the citizens side.

Growing up it was protect and serve and one could actually get to know your neighborhood cop.

Somewhere it changed. Maybe after the Gulf War or so. There’s been constant talk about how the US police have become more militarized. I’ll give you links later.

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Oh they have, they are being sold military weapons. I’m fully aware.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: From black man shot

No name calling is necessary.

I will add to what you posted. You can condemn this disgusting injustice while also support the condemnation of black on black violence. I also do wish more emphesisism was placed on how black on black crimes is a major issue, but as free citizens, we should all condemn cops being judge, jury, and executioner.

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No matter the race no arresting officer shall kneel on the neck of someone while effecting an arrest

Their job is not to be called out to murder people but that is what has happened too many times

They should be put in jail If they themselves violate the law

The law keepers are here
To keep the law not to violate them


Black on black violence is very much discussed but it’s a seperate issue from police brutality. IJS it’s that respectability politics stuff.

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When trusted with a position of power and authority, and even lethal action in some instances, check your biases at the door before you put on the badge.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: From “Black man shot”

And to add to Andrew’s post, the US is a nation governed by laws. The police are there to enforce the laws. Not to be judge, jury and executioner in 8 mins.

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@Dr_Milker you asked about minneapolis progressive tradition here it is