Racial Tensions in US 2020

It’s ok. She’s safe in her mansion out in California in the district next to that she represents, so she’s going to be fine.

RE: Ice Cube. He tweeted out a picture of the cop who stood on the victim next to a picture of an internet troll in a “Make Whites Great Again” hat, insinuating they were the same person…though, I suppose, all white people do look alike. Something like 50k retweets and retweets upon the retweets.

Minneapolis was already going downhill but now is headed towards full-on Baltimore or Detroit status. Bump this thread in a decade and see how people discuss the city.

Ah, perhaps this is what Twitter was talking about - I saw a lot of posts that Trump was saying he was going to use the military to kill black people and that the people in Minneapolis were ready to take on the Army when the come in but couldn’t find what they were even referring to.

He’s inarticulate as hell but I sort of want the president to keep things in the hands of the local government - he’s the first president in our lifetime who doesn’t appear to leap to automatically expand the power of the federal government during a crisis. Granted, I wish that he phrased things differently though - perhaps something between Obama’s statements in such situations that “we will come together. As people. And hope. Pray. Do the hokey-pokey. Perhaps. Even turn ourselves around. To ensure that this sort of thing never happens again.”

This is normal, outside of the fact that we are in the longest, most peaceful, most prosperous time in modern history. If you’re specifically talking about the US, crime is at a near record low and riots…well, riots sort of are the normal.

Every person I know who knows about such things was saying that third-degree was probably what the charges would be. The cop’s best possibility of walking would have been from over-charging him with something higher - this is going to virtually guarantee that he lives behind bars for the rest of the decade at least though I wonder what the other cops are going to be charged with?


Oh shit

@Terry_B in case you coudn’t find what he said it was this

edit: apparently @Dr_Milker posted on this


@Dr_Milker already posted about that :wink::wink:

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:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Dont think I’m mocking you I’m rolling my eyes at Obama’s imagined kumbya.

It’s going to happen over and over until accountability become essential over folk’s feelings.

You’d think local governments would discourage this sort of thing since police related civil suits are drains in city budgets.

I thought the main motivation of the ones who don’t get off on power tripping (or worse) was justice, not job security. But ymmv.

Try S01E05 of the John Oliver show. Also indirectly related, S01E20.

I haven’t been closely following this thread since the explosion the other day, but in response to a flag, I stepped in again and zapped a few posts.

Please note:


  • Do not turn a member’s name into something derogatory (unless you know that the member doesn’t mind).

  • Do not insinuate that an entire race of people is mentally deficient. I mean, seriously. DO. NOT.

  • If you consistently don’t get along with someone, it may be best to stop engaging with that person.

Now please carry on. I’m outta here. :flying_saucer:


Okay I’ll play. But honestly I don’t care at all for Oliver and his ilk. I feel like they are inadvertantly mocking serious issues.

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Holy crap. People rioting are wrecking the CNN building in Atlanta. I think they’ve set it on fire now.

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Let’s see if Trump praises them now. What a turn of events.

CNN… are calling them protesters now.
It must hurt some people here that their trusted news outlet is being attacked.


dang. If I had to choose, MSNBC would up for it.

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Made that point about sh!t starters waaay back upthread. Surprised not surprised.

Burn them all. I hate all these news outlets these days.

Whoaaa there partner. Now that’s a bit too much for me but like Chris Rock says, I ain’t saying it’s right but I understand :wink:

It’s not MSM who’s solely at fault. We (general sense) didn’t get here in a vacuum but rather lack of governmental oversight (deregulation in telecommunications to start with) and other elements have gotten us to this point. But I digress

Right now, it’s important to support the press to a reasonable level because of first amendment rights. I’m not interested in living thru some sort of communism-lite society. We need the press.

We don’t need the bias but we need them.

The irony is here is martial law is going to be enforced when shouldn’t be needed. I’m not saying we should have had it for Covid-19 but it would have been understandable if it had been enacted.

But this bs??? I’m not gonna be sorry when they do.