Racism in TW?


it is a ‘myth’ that is creative used to keep the lines drawn. To keep certain images in grained and passed down. If you want to say that more black on white crime is higher, then believe you me, it ain’t because whites are going into the black neighborhoods. I absolutely hate such small minded thinking, especially backed up with all that ‘proven statistical’ shit. :fume: :fume: Next time you use it have the statistics[/quote]

Hmmm…maybe these will help with this particular topic -

The color of Crime

Bureau of Justice Statistics Publications

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics
Selected Findings from Bureau of Justice Statistics, Violent Crime: National Crime Victimization Survey

Criminal Victimization in the United States, National Crime Victimization Study need PDF for this one.

These should help with sorting out the fact from the fable.

Except that in the phrase “steers and queers”, it means gays.

Theoretically, “political correctness” is nothing more than good linguistic manners. The problem comes when “political correctness” goes overboard, as it does far too often. A good example of PC-gone-too-far is the one you posted below:

[quote=“Satellite TV”]
When I used the word niggardly he railed against me using the N word… only it means miserly…[/quote]

Yes, that’s a fine example of when PC goes overboard, and it’s things like this that make “political correctness” a sad joke instead of merely a guideline for civil discourse. Other examples of PC excess are “herstory”, anything ending with “-challenged”, and “differently-abled”.

[quote=“Namahottie”][quote=“mod lang”]Don’t be so PC. As is much more often the case, at least from my personal experience growing up in an area that was roughly 50/50 black and white, it’s the other way around. You try walking around in all-black neighborhood in the states sometime - even in broad daylight.

What’s so PC about all that? It’s true, and I have been iin that situation more than I would like to remember. And the funny thing is, some of those incidents occured in neighborhoods where it was suppose to be progressive:noway: As for whites walking around an all-black neighborhood even in broad daylight, that’s nasty little myths that have been passed down creaping in, you know the one’s some grew up on , believing that blacks were hostile creatures naturally prone to violence. :unamused:[/quote]
What myth? He was writing from personal experience. For that matter, I’ve had similar things happen to me in Atlanta and the black sections of Cambridge, MA.

You can hate the stats all you want, but they happen to paint a picture of reality. If you want to talk about “hate crimes”, then go look at the numbers on them. Black “civil rights” organizations are now complaining about those laws, because so many blacks are being charged under them, which was not their “intent” – and that’s despite prosecutors deliberately ignoring blatantly racially-motivated crimes to avoid charging blacks under said laws.

You want to bring up Robert Byrd, fine – I’ll counter with the murder of Kris Kime at the Seattle “Mardi Gras” riot, not to mention the whole riot, which happened when the downtown Third Avenue drug dealers (who by the way are 100% black, having taken control of that section of turf), started physically assaulting whites at the annual “Mardi Gras” party.

Kime’s murderer, black, wasn’t charged under the hate-crimes statute, BTW, despite it being clear that he, a black, murdered Kime, a white, because Kime, a white, interfered with his unprovoked assault on a woman, a white, whom he, a black, was assaulting BECAUSE she, a white, was white.

You’ve started screaming about racism at least twice now when there was nothing remotely racist going on. You clearly demonstrate a hypersensitivity to it – but only when it might possibly be against your ethnic group. I guess you don’t have a problem with it if it’s directed against others. Personally, I think it sucks regardless.


it is a ‘myth’ that is creative used to keep the lines drawn. To keep certain images in grained and passed down. If you want to say that more black on white crime is higher, then believe you me, it ain’t because whites are going into the black neighborhoods. I absolutely hate such small minded thinking, especially backed up with all that ‘proven statistical’ shit. :fume: :fume: Next time you use it have the statistics[/quote]

Hmmm…maybe these will help with this particular topic -

The color of Crime

Bureau of Justice Statistics Publications

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics
Selected Findings from Bureau of Justice Statistics, Violent Crime: National Crime Victimization Survey

Criminal Victimization in the United States, National Crime Victimization Study need PDF for this one.

These should help with sorting out the fact from the fable.[/quote]
Hmm. They also go to show that you need to be careful about knowing the background of the statistics that you cite. While the US DOJ’s site has arguably evenhanded statistics, “American Renaissance” (amren.com), the first link you cite, is run by white supremacists. I recall Jared Taylor, the site’s editor, proudly acknowledging that he is a propagandist for the white race (paraphrased, as it’s been so long that I don’t recall the exact quote).

I did PM you abnout your use of the phrase steers and queers, but I most certainly did NOT say anything about your usage of the word niggardly. Matter of fact, I don’t even remember you using that word. Anyway. there’s nothing wrong with it except an unfortunate similarity to a racial slur. Please get your facts straight. :loco:

[quote=“Satellite TV”][quote=“Beachside Queenslander”]
You used name-calling to insult others. You just used different names.

I said I only called my friends that, and vice versa, not people we didn’t associate with. Damn, it’s a form of affection.

I guess you’ve never insulted anybody… bollocks[/quote]

I’ve been insulted plenty of times and I’ve insulted plenty of people back. At the high school I went to that was necessary to avoid trouble. If you looked weak, you were picked on.

My point was actually directed at Banshette who seemed to be practicing a form of reverse racism. Or, at the very least, failed to make a distinction between the world children live in at home (or when they are with their parents) and the other world when they are amongst friends (or just others their own age.)

Many rude, unacceptable words were used by children and teenagers in Oz when I grew up and I’m sure that still occurs. Often the kids are using the words to try and find out if it’s acceptable or not. I would expect that kids in Taiwan are no different. And, if they think that foreigners can’t understand those insults then it would just be a bit of teenage fun to use those words in a foreigner’s face.

As bababa said, it’s more disconcerting when the parents hear their child say something that is less than charming and then steadfastly refuse to do anything. At least, it is for me.


Thanks for the edit. :thumbsup:

If you come to Taiwan to teach, which is what the first post seems to be saying, be ready. Taiwan is not a terrible place, but I have felt the racist attitudes of many people here are because so many are ignorant and unknowledgeable about people of color.

Being a black male I have gone through some rough times with jobs and services. I have to say not always, but often. Some of my job interviews made me angry, but I kept my cool and just went foward as best I could.

When I went to interviews after I first arrived in Taipei, I’d dress very neatly, shave come 10 minutes early, be polite, bring my resume or any documents I felt might be needed etc. Still some interviews were nightmares.

One women asked me why I did not say I was"a brown man" over the phone!

Another time the boss said that the parents won’t believe you are American??? Also they would think that your English may be sub standard!!!

Still another told me that blacks were not good at English!! To my face!

The first real job I had was at Global Village and I think they needed bodies!
For me a big mistake. I had to travel to 4 branches, deal with a very poor staff, long Saturdays (no more) and they pay…under 440NT! I stuck it out and left the place ASAP.

It can be frustrating when you have tried to better yourself get good grades and work hard only to be passed over because of skin tone, wheather it be at home or abroad.

I also taught in Eastern Europe and Germany for a short while and I did enjoy it more. Yes, they do have problems and the pay is not the best, but the culture was more relaxed and I had fewer problems because of Europeans having more interaction with people of color. The main thing is getting a job was easier for me.

Taiwanese people are getting better, but there are days when I feel like just chucking it. Many people in the city are friendly and the students always like you unless their parents put stupid ideas into their heads. Some people I know that are black, brown or ABC hated this place and left in a trail of dust. Others have stuck it out and even though they deal with frustrating problems they have done allright. I’d say to anyone of color just keep the most positive attitude you can if you come here.

I don’t know how many times someone here has told me that native speakers of English are not very good at English, and that his own particular Chinglish sentences are the proper form! Happens a lot, and I’ve never undersood it. Perhaps it’s face?


it is a ‘myth’ that is creative used to keep the lines drawn. To keep certain images in grained and passed down. If you want to say that more black on white crime is higher, then believe you me, it ain’t because whites are going into the black neighborhoods. I absolutely hate such small minded thinking, especially backed up with all that ‘proven statistical’ shit. :fume: :fume: Next time you use it have the statistics[/quote]

Hmmm…maybe these will help with this particular topic -

The color of Crime

Bureau of Justice Statistics Publications

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics
Selected Findings from Bureau of Justice Statistics, Violent Crime: National Crime Victimization Survey

Criminal Victimization in the United States, National Crime Victimization Study need PDF for this one.

These should help with sorting out the fact from the fable.[/quote]
Hmm. They also go to show that you need to be careful about knowing the background of the statistics that you cite. While the US DOJ’s site has arguably evenhanded statistics, “American Renaissance” (amren.com), the first link you cite, is run by white supremacists. I recall Jared Taylor, the site’s editor, proudly acknowledging that he is a propagandist for the white race (paraphrased, as it’s been so long that I don’t recall the exact quote).[/quote]

MPS…good catch. I did not throughly investigate that particular site or its background. I am glad the other sites I posted show a balanced statistical representation of the “color of crime.”

In Taichung, I get stared at like I’m a circus attraction, but on the whole people have been friendly, or as friendly or not friendly as they would be to any other foreigner… girls have told me i’m “handsome” and I have work today, and have been here barely a week.

So… you just gotta have thick skin and not let the ignorance of sum ruin things for you. I just pretend I’m famous and that’s why everyone is looking! Sometimes I wave and smile, which makes them very uncomfortable!

All in all though, if you don’t let it bother you, it isn’t something to really worry about. In Taichung at least.

You’ve started screaming about racism at least twice now when there was nothing remotely racist going on. You clearly demonstrate a hypersensitivity to it – but only when it might possibly be against your ethnic group. I guess you don’t have a problem with it if it’s directed against others. Personally, I think it sucks regardless.[/quote]

Yea i have a hypersensitivity to it. Let me share this exprience with ya,…

A person asked me recently where I grew up. I share the infor and the first thing they say to me is "I saw my first crack house (on your side of town-sic) :unamused: WTF, and this is a nother forienger who’s thinking will be shared with other Taiwanese, some Taiwanese who will never leave taiwan and take the time to explore other personalities, cultures, etc. Im not hyperseneitve only when it is against my ethnic group, but I do notice A LOT that whites tend dismiss when Blacks or any other race speak up and say that this is speech, belief or behavior is not acceptable, and the response is “oh you are being hypersensitive, blah, blah, blah.” People just need to control their mouths.

Oi, that sounds like our conversation from the camping trip acouple of weekends ago. I was stating a fact. You told me you were from the South Side of Chicago. When I was living in northern (rural) Indiana, Chicago was the “big city” we went to for fun. One day we had to drive to Chicago’s South Side to pick up a buddy, and I was amazed/appalled at the neighborhood he lived in. This was 1985 and crack was a relatively new drug, just starting to devastate communities. I saw what it did to my friend’s neighborhood. Pretty scary stuff. That was my first and only experience with Chicago’s South Side.

Now if you had just mentioned you lived in Chicago, I would have had a more favourable impression, but pinpoint the neighborhood, and you’re bound to get feedback if the person you’re talking to has been there. I’ve also got friends from Evanston, and I’ve been downtown countless times. I like Chicago. But let’s face it - the South Side of Chicago isn’t Beverly Hills exactly. And did I even mention race when we were talking in our conversation? :s

The south side of Chicago? That’s where bad, bad LeRoy Brown comes from – meaner than a junkyard dog!

A .32 gun in his pocket for fun…a razor in his shoe…

Racism in Taiwan?

Damn skippy.

The Perfect Partner teaches privates from time to time. One kid, or rather, one Psycho TaiTai, really takes the cake. Until now, I’ve been able to dismiss the war stories PP shares with me as evidence of the PTT’s diagnosed mental illnesses (not sure which actually). I am not joking…she has some problems.

Like the time that, mid-lesson, my PP feels a stirring sensation behind her. Not audible mind you, more 6th sensy…

She turns to find the PTT rifling her purse, going thru her wallet even…with her cash (200NT) in the other hand.

In her Tw way, the PP says WTF ARE YOU DOING?

The mother says she is just making sure she is who she says she is.


The father, a, get this, psychiatrist :unamused: hired my sweet PP because his sister and PP worked together for 2 years at the big yellow school bux.

Why this preamble and why this thread, you may be wondering???

Last night, payday, this beeyatch starts haggling the thrice agreed upon price by employing the following negotiation technique:

PTT: Waaaah…so much money? Why should I pay you so much money?

PP: It’s all recorded there in the Bye Bye Books. Here’s the math.

PTT: Where are you from? Are you North American Indian?

PP: Erm…I am from Taiwan.

PTT: Oh, then you are an Aboriginal!

PP: No, I am not.

PPT: I think you should talk to your parents. You are Aboriginal.

PP: Erm…No, I am not.

PPT: We don’t pay Aboriginals as much. See that Philipinna maid right there. If she was Taiwanese, I would have to pay her double.

That’s as far as I’ve gotten from the blow by blow so far…end result: PP gets screwed outta 1700NT.

Just goes to show ya…not everything is black and white.

Daddy was a cop
On the South side
Of Chicago

back in the bad old days…

Nananananananananann nanana

I did PM you about your use of the phrase steers and queers, but I most certainly did NOT say anything about your usage of the word niggardly. Matter of fact, I don’t even remember you using that word. Anyway. there’s nothing wrong with it except an unfortunate similarity to a racial slur. Please get your facts straight. :loco:[/quote]
I need to get my facts straight. :blush: In fact, I did take you to task over your usage of the word niggardly, but not for reasons of political correctness. It was because it appeared that [url=Should Americans be influencing local politics? - #61 by maoman didn’t know what it meant[/url]. :laughing:

I was nonplussed to find that he was so niggardly.
Amazing how many people don’t understand the definition of “nonplussed.”
To put at a loss as to what to think, say, or do; bewilder.
A state of perplexity, confusion, or bewilderment.[/color]

I did PM you about your use of the phrase steers and queers, but I most certainly did NOT say anything about your usage of the word niggardly. Matter of fact, I don’t even remember you using that word. Anyway. there’s nothing wrong with it except an unfortunate similarity to a racial slur. Please get your facts straight. :loco:[/quote]
I need to get my facts straight. :blush: In fact, I did take you to task over your usage of the word niggardly, but not for reasons of political correctness. It was because it appeared that [url=Should Americans be influencing local politics? - #61 by maoman didn’t know what it meant[/url]. :laughing:[/quote]

I used it because I know exactly what it means… and by the way, I live in a forest, which is why I used the word woodpile… we use wood for building houses and for staking wild pigs, and of course for our fire places. Most of the tourists think that the forests hide evil ghosts, and put up little temples, which we promptly tear down.

The beauty of the English language is that so many interpretations can come of our prose. But I think too many people suffer from being overly politically correct.