Racist Ruten ad?

The guy seems like he has some personal prejudice against foreigners. Definitely couldn’t get away with something like that outside of Taiwan. Try walking around with a shirt equally as offensive targeting minorities in English in the US and see what happens.

those shirts sold out too.

The message seems a bit similar to this one, which was quite popular in the U.S. in the early 90s.


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20 posts were split to a new topic: Jesus, Milker & Marco compare dicks

I think it came out of the American Afrocentrism movement, and it meant “unless you’re black, there’s no way you can understand the reality of our struggles.” It became very popular in the wake of the Rodney King troubles.

I’m willing to explore

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I don’t know how it began, but as I heard it used at the time it wasn’t widely used in the US to refer to struggles specifically, but in a tongue-in-cheek way to refer to anything in regards to black culture, music, habits, lifestyle, etc. that were not commonly known outside the culture. It would be like saying “Stinky tofu is a Taiwanese thing. You wouldn’t understand.” And I don’t. But the T-shirt on sale seems to be saying white and black people are ignorant of this language. It’s clever, but it seems more taunting where the 90’s phrase was jokingly explanatory.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Shocking Taiwanese T-shirts

Came across an ad on facebook marketplace saying he didn’t deal with foreigners. Couldn’t help but feel a little incensed even though I wasn’t interesting in that particular item. What do you do, just report it? Not convinced that does anything

on FB? Probably will do something

Yes, just report it, although if it’s just one ad it’s not going to hurt him much. Ask everyone you know to report it for faster results.


He’s BACK!! I didn’t even know that you could continue to add more and more feedback almost six months down the line.

Apparently, I’m illiterate, and my chinese is rotten enough. LMAO. From the guy who was putting a request on a for-sale ad.
Anyone know if I can/should sue for this latest update?

I don’t know about suing the guy, but at least you could contact Ruten to get the review removed

At least he didn’t say your Chinese is really great?

You have moved up into a new tier of Chinese speaking ability where people go the other way and criticise it :slight_smile:

In all seriousness, when I read feedback/reviews online, I almost always filter out those which have personal attacks in them. Experience tells me they tend to be very unreliable.

Would you post back to let us know whether Ruten accommodates your request to remove it?

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No, I didn’t mean that I meant exactly what I said although thanks for the suggestion prof.

Why would he be back 6 months later leaving follow up feedback? Did you contact him again? I don’t think I’ve ever seen follow up feedback if the buyer didn’t reply something first. You must have really pissed him off.

No. I haven’t had any contact. I have actually tried to delete my account to erase everything but then got lazy cause Ruten wants to wait for one month of no activity. While it’s been almost six and can technically do it now, excluding today, I haven’t logged in since then.

Maybe Ruten punished him for the ad for both using the for-sale classifieds to request product, and the racist description. One of you guys did actually report this to ruten and it got taken down. Maybe because I left a scathing but perfectly verifiable review, nobody wants to buy from him. He has several negative reviews. Maybe he’s just down on his luck with selling things and decided that I was the culprit for his bad luck. :idunno:

Again, he left the first negative review on my thing first. He didn’t attempt to talk or even try to clear up any misunderstanding to begin with. After this was done, I moved on. If he wants a fight, then he can have a fight. Upon the ‘purchase’, I did even press cancel transaction and he rejected it.


I wouldn’t bother deleting your account unless you only have a few other reviews. People don’t usually past your stats and what’s on the first page.

I have a total of two reviews. This and one from a guy i bought an AC adapter from.

It’s no big deal to lose those reviews while the other guy gets to keep his.

If you delete your account, does he keep them? Maybe all your reviews disappear also. Good reason to keep it.