Racist Ruten ad?

Not yet. Not quite home from work yet.

Yes, but itā€™s not hard to generate a fake one.

I completely stopped using Ruten as soon as shopee came out. So much better system and the app is much more convenient. Most people have left Ruten for shopee too so this racist ad doesnā€™t really surprise me.

No reply yet from Taiwan News. Here is the link if anyone else wants to email Taiwan News.


It looks like he mostly uses it buy. This is one of his purchases:
怐Mr.17怑ē™½äŗŗēœ‹äøę‡‚ 黑äŗŗ也äø€ęØ£ å‡ŗåœ‹ę—…éŠ ē•™å­ø送ē¦® 外國äŗŗ꜀ꄛ ęƒ”ęžkuso台ē£å­—T-shirt
Hereā€™s the link:

It looks like he is selling a few things. I reported his offensive listing.

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You reported the Tshirt or the CPU? Or both?

Post it on some FB groups, itā€™ll be in the TN tomorrow


Oh. I dont have facebook. Iā€™ll see if a friend can do it.

CPU. I wasnā€™t sure how offensive the T-shirt was, but it seems to indicate he has a pre-existing condition.

Trust me you donā€™t have to have good English here to be a ā€œgoodā€ teacher. I canā€™t even say that right.

No Facebook ? How did you manage it?

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I think you meanā€¦

Because I still donā€™t have it. I manage just fine actually. I donā€™t have constant distractions all the time. I can be alone with my thoughts looking out the window on the bus or MRT and keep my creativity high. I donā€™t need to know what Adam is doing, I havenā€™t seen him in 15 years. I donā€™t care. I donā€™t care about what anyone had for breakfast. I donā€™t care that people are too lazy to do friendship and need a website to tell them to remember someoneā€™s birthday. And I donā€™t need to be part of the biggest centralised public database of people that is sharing my information for profit without compensation to me. I have LINE to talk to people and people who know me know where to find meā€¦when I want to be found.


Adam is pretty cool though.


Ok I get it. I donā€™t mind them targeting me with ads as long as it remains a free service.

Seems the product page was taken down. Can anyone else verify?

Itā€™s down. Shirt is still there though.

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This guy really has issues, buying this t-shirt :rofl:

Is the shirt really offensive? I donā€™t get whatā€™s itā€™s saying.

On the shirt it says ā€œWhite people canā€™t read this.ā€

In his selling caption it says ā€œWhite people canā€™t read this, black people canā€™t either. Gift for world travelers and exchange students. Foreignersā€™ favorite.ā€

It seems like he has some kind of complex about white people/black people/maybe foreigners in general not being able to read Chinese. Heā€™s probaby one of those types who will talk trash about you in Chinese right in front of your face assuming you wonā€™t understand. Just some self-important loser.


Oh, I see. Maybe thatā€™s front and back. I get the personality of the buyer, but itā€™s kinda clever.