Rat Issues

Hello All

I need help. I just saw the conversation that other people have some bad experience with Rats as well. I am having the same problem.

Do you guys have any contact number of a company which can help me get rid of these rats from my house.

your help will really matters

Thank you

Where are you located.

Apologies for bumping thread. I have a similar issue to OP from 12 years ago, but no cat - mouse/rat noises in my ceiling crawl space, and one rat seen hurtling down past my window at night

The ceiling is an office-style tiled affair and full of holes that small animals could fit through. What are my rights given that the building itself enables the rats to reach my living space? Who would have to pay to plug up the holes?

I have a rat on my balcony apparently.

My wife wants me to catch it.

You’d think after 15 years, she’d know I’m not up to that particular job.

It’s only on the balcony. I’m thinking of using a rat repellent to scare it away and cleaning up the balcony and then sealing off the balcony.

The problem with traps is I’m a pussy. I can’t deal with a rat whether it’s dead or alive.

Maybe if it is a sealed trap so the rat goes inside, and you can’t actually see it. Maybe I could then dispose of that trap. How though?

Any recommended products?

Yah, I’ve dealt with rat problems for my in-laws on multiple occasions. Taiwan is a bit more tricky. The shared rat intelligence is different here. The only thing that works are the sticky boards. Also, you can’t just place it in the open, either. You need to place it directly around corners you know rats run around, if they see it prior, you’ll avoid it. Then after that, it might still be struggling. So, you’ll need to deal with it.