Real Crime, Fake Justice - England

My mum lives in Wales in a little village in the middle of nowhere. Same house for 25 years. For twenty years the door has never been locked and everybody has just gone in and out. In the last five years she has been broken in to 4 times. Twice by the same person who got caught, released and went straight back. She wants to move now as she feels unsafe in a home she has lived in for 25 years.

It’s changed everywhere not just the cities and not just up north but in small villages, everybody can feel the difference.

It feels as if the standard has just dropped. No customer service now. You go into a shop and its ‘Whot u want?’
Last year there was a programmme on English TV where they followed the police around. One episode two young girls were seen walking down the road at one o clock in the morning. THey had spent all their money on drink and fags and couldn’t get home.

The police took them home. The door was answered by the mother of the girls who asked what they had done wrong. The police explained the situation. The mother turns to the girls and says’ Get in you silly bitches’ she then closes the door.
No ’ thank you ’ to the police, no apology, no nothing. The police said they can do nothing as no crime was committed. It’s just a parent problem and the parents don’t care about the " silly bitches".

Maybe those programmes brainwashed me because it did not paint a pretty picture of the UK at this moment in time. Even reading the local newspaper you can see the change. Instead of ‘Johnny Evans winning the cup’, it’s ‘Johnny Evans found drunk in a pool of vomit in the middle of the rugby pitch’

same thing applies in france,that’s why i can never see myself going back full time

What we need is the Kray twins or similar back in power. Look at HK, the police on average deal with 2 crimes a year. Not that there is no crime but it is all taken care of by Johnny Triad. Organised crime, thats the solution, let them police eachother. No more 20 quid fines, just a quick battering by a bunch of hoodlums and a “don’t do it again or we’ll kill you; no, really!”

i thought this would fit in quite well

Almost true, of late the cops have become so bored they’ve started shooting each other, which marks a nice change from shooting themselves in the head while sitting in an ICAC interview room. Well at least the cleaners are happier.

[quote]Former OCTB head dies in fall
2006-09-08 HKT 15:29
A former head of the police Organised Crime and Triad Bureau, Stephen Fung, has died. Mr Fung who was on leave is thought to have fallen from a building in Cho Yiu Estate in Tsing Yi. [/quote]

Excuse the shoddy journalism on this one, cos what they failed to mention was that this is the bloke that let off the copper who later gunned down two colleagues in a pedestrian underpass in TST. Slipped on a banana peel while changing a light bulb and then straight off the balcony one supposes. Happens all the time.


Maybe if they put more money into it so teachers and police officers could roll with Benzs and Gucci the students/pricks/criminals would begin to respect them. I mean shit, they respect athletes, rap stars, and other celebrities who flash their money around… :unamused:

I am generally liberal in many aspects, but I agree there is too much leniency in crime and punishment. At times, I swear they should send violent crime offenders out to an abandoned oil rig in the middle of the Atlantic and let the sharks pick them off. In an almost perfect world, this would happen. In a perfect world, evolution would have long dealt with cleaning the scum off the bottom of the gene pool.

Alright Comrade Stalin, how’d you get ImaniOU’s password?