Real, 'Murkan breakfast in Banqiao?

Yeah, if you want sketchy oil, sub-Walmart ingredients, rubber-like meat from a can, chalky overcooked eggs, slimy and undercooked canned bacon, and a pound of salt in the soy sauce drenching whatever is served to you.

It’s essentially like different kinds of spam all slothed together with salt sauce and recycled cancer oil.

Just that canned ham alone is so, incredibly creepy. Don’t forget the thick, tube-bagged mayo that’s sloppped on the sandwiches. Then the eggs that boil in it’s own shell during the hot, summer days that is who-knows-how-fresh; at least in the temperature danger zone for a day+. For what’s frozen, who knows how many times it was melted to summer heat all day then refrozen x times. And that brandless Kraft cheese with generic_sweet_white_bread.

(All this, and icy drinks are the enemy of our bodies, eheheh)

I thought Americans (such as myself) didn’t eat well. Then, I realized, for breakfast at least, it’s pretty good! At least our cliche breakfast is actually healthier; even if you consider pancakes and bacon. Usually Kirkland ingredients, fresh eggs, real cheese etc.


The Dutch do a fantastic merkin breakfast. Knock three times and ask for Sally.

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Difficult to roll, but not impossible. Again, the Dutch are masters at this.

No man, I am not talking about places serving that rubbish! I’m talking old skool northern Chinese breakfast joints, with no corn or faux ham or other abominations in sight.

That being said, I cannot guarantee the quality of the oil. :slightly_smiling_face:


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Well we just sent an order through the website for their bacon and sausage, we shall see how it tastes. Unfortunately the black pudding isn’t on the website so my breakfast will still have a bit of something missing.

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iHOP style is rare around here. Non existent in my neck of the woods.

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Oh yeah! I forgot about the hidden corn everywhere!

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I’d love to see a local style that used Costco ingredients. I like the idea of local breakfast… I just want to see it implemented with good quality and am willing to pay. Have any specific examples you’d recommend?

I can’t quite follow what you are asking for.

My post was about old skool northern Chinese breakfast joints. Such places exist, but I doubt they use “Costco ingredients.”


There’s a thread in politics that I read as SCROTUM

Ha from POTUS?

Like danbing with real cheese and not cheese whiz? They are around and when I find it I put it on the short list. Look for 乳酪絲 on the menu and it’s usually the shredded cheddar so better than the other crap…

Taiwanese don’t like crispy bacon though so that’s usually out.

Also for the comments about greasy spoon fare and american diner style breakfast that is not the same as American style brunch. Ironically “the Diner” is the closest thing I’ve found in Taiwan.

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Sour Cream Of The United States?

Please do share.

So far only explored in the nanjing east rd, 5th sec, area, close to my office. The one with the old HK auntie is called 大佬二美食店, the other is 新八珍燒臘. The first one slightly better imo, just don’t get the chicken, didn’t like it, other meats better.