Recovery of black boxes from 737 crash in Iran

Do you have any articles?

I suspect it’s true. The timing and Iran’s reaction makes it seem like a probable thing.

Yeah it’s all over the news

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There’s video of it too:

I’m no expert. But I’ve never known a plane to just explode like that mid flight.

Shot down by Iran, Russian made missile is what I’m seeing.

I guess all is not so well. That is not a flippant remark.

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The world is, and always has been, full of pain and suffering. But all things considered, it could be a hell of a lot worse.

Have a beer or two. Life goes on.

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“This was inevitable” is not an actual argument, considering the obvious correlation that can be made between this and last week. It’s actually a disgusting argument imo.

Life doesn’t go on for the dead on that plane.

Now we’re looking at, no evidence for imminent attack leading to the assassination, never ran it through congress, now people are dying as a result…civilians at that.

Life doesn’t go on for the 6392 people who died in the last hour. Get over it.

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Far be it for me to overreact sentimentally to the natural course of life and death, or perhaps Darwinism in effect.

But if someone posited to me that many MAGA defenders display strong sociopathic tendencies, I wouldn’t throw them out of bed.

And they want a nuke? Oops we accidentally wiped humanity off the face of the earth.


They want missiles and nukes as a deterrent, unfortunately if the Iranians have learned anything from this episode it’s that they need them now more than ever.

To be fair, the US did it as well. To Iran too!

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Yeah, one of those dark ironies / coincidences that’d make you wince if you saw it in a screenplay. “Come on, that’s just too on the nose!”


You’ll get no dispute from me on that. That was horrible. And for the record, I wish we’d never gotten involved in any of that business over there, and I hope we get out of there as soon as possible.

I haven’t been keeping up with things in the past few days. Has the Reuters report (quoted in part below) been debunked?

(bracketed words added by me)

Whether it’s right or wrong, it doesn’t seem to be unprecedented:

I think it should be from about 15:13 to about 15:27:

I don’t think the problem has been whether or not there was an issue with this guy, it’s the topic of whether or not whatever he was up to was so imminent that there was not time to brief congress. The Trump WH defense now doesn’t seem to include any evidence that anything was imminent. Furthermore there are reports Trump actually did it in part due to his impeachment.

This is a slightly stronger iteration of a fact the New York Times reported three days ago, to wit, “pointed out to one person who spoke to him on the phone last week that he had been pressured to take a harder line on Iran by some Republican senators whose support he needs now more than ever amid an impeachment battle.”

This would not mean Trump ordered the strike entirely, or even primarily, in order to placate Senate Republicans. But it does constitute an admission that domestic political considerations influenced his decision. That would, of course, constitute a grave dereliction of duty.

Very unfortunate innocent people dying like that . This is why wars aren’t good.

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Laura Ingraham bringss that up at about 9.17 mark, Trump dismisses it as not even being a leak but just something the news decided to make up.

Have a good one!

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Yeah he tells whoopers, so do the MSM. The only difference is I distrust both, you suck up the MSM stuff every time.

You have a good one too.