Reporting illegal schools/teachers to the authorities

[quote=“jkipp”][i][color=#0000FF]Mod’s note: Older thread here: [Ratting out other foreigners

When I was in Taichung in June I crossed two foreigners (one french, one older american) in a bar and we discussed about this kind of issues.
They mentioned they make about 50-150K Taiwan Dollar per months by reporting illegal kindergarten and teachers, pretty much bragging about it, showing photos of arrests and raids. They also mentioned reporting foreigners gets them faster money.
One of them used to be an illegal teacher and was kicked out by his illegal school, then turned against them after coming back legally. The american guy was pretty proud about it, seeing himself as a “bounty hunter” and he said in English speaking countries its normal that the citizens have to uphold the law (they even have citizen arrests and such). In Switzerland (where I’m from), you won’t see a penny for reporting someone.
I’m moving to Taiwan in January, its likely I’ll just report some schools and teachers I see to them and ask for 50%. Its easy money. Although I will be in Taipei.[/quote]

You can come catch me teaching English too. Wait first I better get a kindy gig so you’ll kow where to find me. :smiley: