Reporting people who covertly take inappropriate photographs on the MRT

Well explained.

I generally just try to look for the eyes

I prefer looking at lips. Looking into someone’s eyes feels too engaging, and lips tell so much about a person. That’s why masks are so damn enoying. There are so many really attractive lips out there not to be seen. :kiss:


Lips = labia. :slightly_smiling_face:

Women can discretely make upskirt selfies, no problem with that.



Not necessarily. Many wear something because it makes them feel good or they feel they look good in it. Not necessarily for attention.


Women wear revealing clothes for many reasons. They are either proud of their body and wants to get attention or just makes them feel good. maybe they like the feeling of being free. Maybe its too hot outside.Also could be because their friends are wearing such clothes so they wanna be part of the crowd. and many more. They can do and wear whatever they fancy. Its a good thing i think. After a certain age for a man, such women are the only eye candy left in lives.

Also atleast there is some effort into styling women do here. Taiwanese men just wear baggy shorts with an oversized shirt and a fanny pack and call it a day.


Wanting to look good for whom? For yourself? For others? Seems narcissistic. Or horny. Either way, this really is a hot topic

Yes for yourself. It’s not narcissistic at all. People all the time do this, it’s normal. I have a style that I like. For me. I put it on and I like how it looks on me.

I buy jeans because I like jeans.

A woman might think a particular outfit looks cute on her. But then she has the added weight of how many people are going to sexualise it. Especially if one has bigger breasts.


That’s fair. I feel loads of people are about the likes. But there ain’t no harm in doing you. Too easy to forget that in today’s ultra show off culture. My apologies.

At the same time, if one goes out, don’t complain about people looking. The photographing thing is creepy as fuck though.

Pullllllsaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttting lewdness.

I think the outfit is great, especially when she farts.


The thirst online is still present, evidenced by your comments in this thread alone :smiley:

It’s a bit of a mind-virus I think. General perception of “people” as a whole are reduced somewhat by perceived accessibility to edited and unrealistic representations of the opposite sex. Instagram, Pornhub, Twitter, why spend time with your slightly-chubby, plain-looking but otherwise lovely single female friend when you can stay at home and stare at Kpop idols?


You ever dressed up in something other than basketball shorts and a tee without being required to?

Congrats, fellow narcissist.

I think ya missed it haha.

Been had. Don’t know how I missed that

Betel nut for sale on the MRT?

This photo reminds me of the post here within the last ten years of their girlfriend or wife who had the ‘hooker look’ (some Taiwanese women attest to when out and about) on arrival into Australia (if I remember correctly).
She was detained due to suspicion of being a ‘working girl’.

My money’s on Satellite_TV
He’s always being stopped and being commented on everywhere he goes on a daily basis for all sorts of things.


Happens in Japan often when we go as well. And wife is furthest thing from the hooker look haha. Always gets stopped and given the run down on working, where her money is from, where she is staying etc. Annoying, but that’s the job.

Probably the states as well to try and stop pregnant people entering I would think.

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