Republicans accuse Democrats of affiliating themselves with the WHO and China

I sent @Nobby a PM too to say without a more neutral title this thread goes to temp, still waiting to hear back from @Nobby but did say I didn’t want to edit the title without permission. Their next post I guess determines what happens with the thread.

As the OP they can always suggest something else. But as it stands this will provoke a flame war in the thread.

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No problem changing my title :slight_smile:

While you’re at it, please change these titles as I’m offended by them:

Is there anything worse than Donald Trump?

Trump happenings and (his) other shenanigans

How to remain friends with trump supporters

Trump is Making China Great Again

Trump to release names of predators in Congress

Beyond Trumpism: rebuilding a sane society

Donald Trump hears voices.

America First - America Only - America Lonely

I’ll give you the full list when I finish work, I’m a bit busy at the moment…


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Thank you.

That was not a serious attempt to have a conversation, just a venue for some to vent.

Don’t see a problem with this one. “shenanigans” might be something more like “going on’s” but it’s ok to discuss the negative aspect of Trumps presidency.

That’s a serious question for many. I’ll stop there, in future if you see a title you think needs changing send me a PM with your reason , I’ll certainly consider it.

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Pretty sure he was just making a point about there being lots of provocative thread titles.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Government regulation kills: COVID-19 specific

I get it, my point was if a thread is titled, “Is there anything worse than Donald Trump?” no one is actually going to go in there and debate anything positive for him. It’s a chance for some who hate him to let off steam.

If someone had thought that a thread like that had merit in discussing anything, they would have been welcome to sen me a PM. But, for those who wanted to give him a ding and move on, it’s fine, I don’t think it really bothers anyone.

China Joe