Rockstar: SuperNova

yep kiss of Death from Tommy which was uncalled for IMHO.

something like “I can remember everyone else’s original, but I can’t remember yours”

I think it is down to Toby/Lukas.

My money is on Toby, EVS.[/quote]

I think Tommy Boy likes to take it up the old Hershey Highway. Him and Dilbey Doolittle, a.k.a. wannabe male-on-male porn star, probably get together with that flammer, Dave Navarro, and take turns at each other tag-team style.

I think, at this point, they shouldn’t be making such negative comments. Or, especially when they aren’t all that warranted.

I don’t know. This show has gotten worse near the end. I blame it on song choices. Too many of the same songs being played over and over again. And the songs are pretty lame sometimes. All media fluff. And why would they have to sing the same originals again. That blows.

The producers could have done a much better job at choosing the right contestants.

Lukas is the winner.

I gotta go for Toby being picked. His original is kind of lame, but it get’s the chicks going and that’s all that matters to this bunch of losers. They need somebody that can write stuff that’s going to sell.
As for Tommy’s comment about Magni’s original… I can’t remember any of the Supernova tracks either :slight_smile:

yep kiss of Death from Tommy which was uncalled for IMHO.

something like “I can remember everyone else’s original, but I can’t remember yours”

I think it is down to Toby/Lukas.

My money is on Toby, EVS.[/quote]

I agree it’s really a 2 man final. I can’t see the other 2 having a chance, especially Magni. Tommy Lee was really turned off by his original. It was easily the weakest of the finalists’.

Toby looks really good. I think his original has the most fan appeal. I think Supernova covet Lukas, though. I don’t like his original “Headspin” much at all, but the Supernova members seem to be critiquing him more from a technical standpoint. They seem impressed with his voice range and the variety of performances he’s displayed. I think, if they could choose now, they’d probably take Lukas. If they take him, they’d have to make him tone down his “glam” make-up image a tad and do something about his weird facial contortions and body language during performances. His movements on stage seem a bit contrived. For me, Toby looks much more natural on stage. He seems to establish better rapport with audiences as well.

well apparently CBS in the states screwed up and ran an ad for the new celebrity survivor announcing the insert rockstar supernova winner would be on the new series… BEFORE it was revealed on the actual show! wtf? rigged? never!

Spoiler in white text below.

[color=orange]Lukas won.[/color]

[quote=“j99l88e77”]Spoiler in white text below.
shame virtually nothing on the site has a white background :noway:

[quote=“j99l88e77”]Spoiler in white text below.

[color=white]Lukas won.[/color][/quote]

Dude. Seriously, why post something you know is a spoiler? It wrecks the fun for a lot of people.

It was too obvious to be a spoiler.

And I wasn’t the one to do the “spoiler in white text below” thing. The mods did that. I changed it to orange.

Toby? C’mon. His voice was too high and girly.
Magni? Too boring.
Dilana? Too short, ugly, corny. Britany Spears wannabe. Doesn’t even know “The Who”. :unamused:

Lukas is the best singer and innovated thinker. Musically the best, as well. He was the best rocker by far. He won the competition long ago with Bittersweet Symphony and Let’s Spend the Night Together. Creep, I guess, solidified it.

He’s the only one who can lead this band in the right direction.

Spoiler not.

This show was over half-way through.

I only half watched this show. I didn’t see the first series (INXS) at all. It seemed very contrived in so many ways. The crowd was WAYYY too exuberant. The sets were obviously VERY rehearsed. Not really a lot left to the imagination. As far as these kinds of shows go, The other one with Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell is much more entertaining.

I was surprised Dilana made it as far as she did. I have to admit, Lucas was a good choice in terms of his style and energy. I liked him on the last show. Can’t stand the eye make up. Tommy Lee must be reminded of the ol’ days of glam.

The runner ups should do well in their careers after this as well.

I agree that he was probably chosen from way back. He’s a Canadian, isn’t he?

toby was too popular with the ladeez and would have given tommy a run with the groupies… thats why i reckon he didnt win! :slight_smile:

go oz

You gotta be different and good.

They should have a rock band audition instead of a rock star one with mostly originals with different takes on classics.

Rock Star Supernova didn’t showcase enough originals.

I’m pretty sure Lukas was planted from the beginning, I mean of course the producers select a group they think at least may have potential, seem credible, and make for good TV, but I’m sure they have someone pre auditioned and lined up ahead of time that the band and record label execs agree could lead the band to sell records/tickets in a worst case scenario… Then during the course of the show there may be someone who comes out of nowhere to take it, but if not, the pre planned fall back guy (aka Lukas) is there…

The lunatic “South African woman from Texas” :eh: had a shot I think, but she was just too damn short and she sings like Axle Rose… Noooooo :astonished:… Toby was in there with a shot too, but his style is more Melbourne than LA imho…

gawd’s struth I’ve got to stop watching TV!.. :loco:

The Supernova guys don’t have poker faces. Their preference for Lukas showed through. I think they made their minds up long ago, if it wasn’t prearranged --as suggested by another here. There were little comments here and there that gave it away. I remember a comment made about Lukas, something like: “it’s his to lose,” suggesting heavily that he’s favored unless he fudges up badly. When Lukas was voted into the bottom 3, Tommy Lee asked him to the effect: “Are you surprised that you’re in the bottom three, 'cause I sure am.”

Actually, the comment was made by Gilbey. He was referring to Lukas’ lack of preparation in the song writing workshop. He was expressing disappointment when he said, “I think Lukas thinks it’s his to lose.” For that reason, I figured it was still anyone’s to win.

Let me also say that I am glad I avoided this thread yesterday. I would have been extremely pissed if I had read Korea-boy’s spoiling of an entire season of Rockstar. What a low-class move, imo. Let’s just say, I am very glad I had the foresight to see it coming. 90210???or whatever your numbers are, please try to conduct yourself with a wee bit more sensitivity in future threads.

Back to the show…

They need to tweak the show for next year. More covers and more originals. More rock in general. Less gossipy big brother/survivor shit. If anything, this show has convinced me that rock is a legitimate art form and a show like rockstar gives some exposure and experience to some up and coming talents. Good on Dave Navarro. Rock and I are the same age. Watching this show fills me with nostalgia as the genre was such an intrical part of my growing up (taught me to not want to). It is so much more vital than that sap Cowell/Abdul are driveling out. May as well call it NeoCon Idol.

Another thing this show is proving is that Canada
! :canada: :canada:

And please…8675309? Cindy Lauper? Duran Duran? Better song selection next year. If you need help, I’m sure forumosans’d be glad to compile a catalogue.

Shows how screwy my memory can be I guess.

Still I think my point stands. I think they let their preference for Lukas show a little too much, so much so that the eventual outcome of the show became a bit predictable.

I remember the trailers for the series featured Lukas more than anyone else.

Too bad, but sometimes I wonder if the benefits of actually winning this thing and being bound by the associated contracts will pan out long term, like 5 years+ compared to the free agents.

Here’s a good link from Icelandic television: … =4334075/2

Tommy admits Lukas was his pick pretty much from the begining.
Jason was for Magni and Dibly Doolittle wanted Dilana.

There was no doubt after “Bittersweet Symphony” and “Let’s Spend the Night Toghether”. No one did that. It was OVER then. Way over. I wish I could sing like that. Tried. No go. That guy can sing.

Sorry I did the spoiler thing, but I’ll stand by the “I dont’ think it was a spoiler” deal. Still then.

I read somewhere the band won’t be allowed to use the name “Supernova.” A band already exists with that name and has sued, apparently.