Roe v. Wade overturned

Right, the trigger laws. That’s all fine and good, but the people of those states might sour on that kneejerk response. We shall see.

More accurately, the application of human rights for the expansion of federal power are a post WWI concoction in the US.

Christian nationalism is certainly a looming threat in the U.S right now. It is one of the scariest internal threats of the modern era.

“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross”.


Yeah. So it becomes a question of priorities, and given the total disaster that is the current administration and the ongoing inflation crisis, it’s probably gonna be less of a priority this year than it would have been otherwise. The democrats have had a million chances to make a law, and never bothered, and now it may be too late. It’s a mess.

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Most countries protect abortion through legislation, not judicial activism and bad legal precedents.

Love watching anti-US bashing when their own countries legislate, which is actually what the US wants to do.

Fuck people are dumb…this is Kid Castle commentary folks.


I disagree. The dems want a further fracturing of the electorate. They will sing this tune in the streets within 24 hours.

Yep. And in the interim, states have elected more and more imbeciles to rattle the chains instead of legislate.

I’m talking about the UN Declaration. It was created in wake of the Holocaust, for people who didn’t have a state.

Oh for sure. But I meant less of a priority with voters, who have more immediate things to worry about right now.

Go ahead and name those dumb people.

Possibly. No one I know is changing summer plans. Fuck gas, fuck covid, fuck it all seems to be the motto.

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A post was split to a new topic: Name calling

Baba Boeeeey, most of the news media, and educationalist sectors?

I don’t think this kind of personal ahem observation is conducive to dialogue.


Like they do at Kid Castle? Okay. “Apple”. “Happy”. “Neena”.

A million chances? That is naive. Calling out democrats for controlling both houses in point scoring. A very slim majority torpedoed by Manchin is not a majority. So let’s not kid ourselves although it is a good talking point.

No…you completely mischaracterized both my opinion of the law and of the public policy positions on this topic, despite me having expounded on both many times on Forumosa.


Right, but that’s only since it became clear this was going to happen. They’ve had chances for thirty years, and often promised to do it and then not done it.

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I don’t think you needed to waste your breath writing that.

Fact of the matter is, a group of religious radicals is exerting increasing pressure over everyone in the US and pushing a large swathe of them into a corner with their oppressive policies. This won’t go quietly in the night, I can assure you. They are really stirring up a hornets nest.

It’s been decades. Back up and look again.

That is anachronistic. 30 years ago the Democratic party wasn’t the same party.