Roe v. Wade overturned

This is a start, but still, making women drive out of state is not supporting them. Helping parents be GOOD parents is also a great way to spend money.

And I think it’s entirely appropriate that now we focus on taking care of women that are in crisis, that have an unplanned pregnancy, and see what we can do to support them and make sure those babies end up in homes that are good, loving adoptive homes or that we help those parents be parents.

Also a conspicuous absence of any specific measures to help those parents.

They never have any. What pro-life trash really want is to force women deliver those children then gun them down in classrooms.

Clearly that isn’t what they want. But they also don’t want to raise taxes to do anything that would actually help. I’m not optimistic that’ll change.


You sure about that?

I mean … yes. All this performative demonization (from both sides) achieves nothing except to make reasonable compromises less likely.


Well, it’s put up or shut up time, isn’t it. GOP led state that have these laws have an enormous obligation to pony up to the table and play their hand.

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You don’t moderate with terrorists.

Tell that to the IRA. Or the Taliban. But that’s beside the point: most Americans support some limits on abortion. Most Americans are neither fundamentalists nor terrorists. Branding them as such is harmful.


I responded to the arguments of Ms. Chatman.

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How about with smarmy narcissists? :whistle:

(*)… then let the children gun each other down while the adults wait outside.

Lol, Iran 2.0. Constitution my ass.

LOL Twitter.

It is amazing to have a SCOTUS which actually follows the Constitution, isn’t it?

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Ron Paul wrote of his experience:
Screenshot (81)


Since our overlords are seeing fit to strip away the right to bodily autonomy based on whatever fucking voodoo they happen to be using at the moment, I don’t give a shit.


“They do ultrasounds, pregnancy tests and all that too. If the woman decides to parent, they give her clothing and formula,” former patient and employee of Life Choices, Becky Young, said.

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin tweeted about the incident over the weekend, saying: “There is no room for this in Virginia. This is not how we find common ground.”

Hmm, attacking a place that offers—- choice, and help. Classy.

And this, from the less screamy side:

And if it’s not enshrined in the Constitution, like abortion, we’re just going to kick it to the states, the way our founding fathers did. That is a very clear majority in the court that speaks with that voice now.

I think that when people are displeased with their state rulings, they’ll elect people who can better support and defend their rights, and fewer loudmouth imbeciles, left, right and middle.

Diversity of opinion is not what this is about. Congressman are supposed to represent their districts. These Republican Senators who sent aid to Ukraine and worked with Democrats on gun control are not listening to their constituents. There’s not a lot of voices from the people clamoring to escalate things with Russia over Ukraine and certainly not to have their gun rights taken from them. That is donation money and the eagerness to work together with Democrats. That is undermining the will of the constituents to have their voice be represented.

The polls have never been lower for any president. Even the Democrats don’t want him for a second term. This has never happened in US history since the Democrats rejected their President in the 1850s. And AP just reported how more than a million Democrats are switching to the GOP. The Democrats have shot themselves in the foot. I wouldn’t doubt that the GOP will dominate in the next 100 years as Bannon predicts, just as the liberal agenda dominated since the election of 1932 in a cyclic turnaround.

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Yes to all three.