Ron DeSantis

Continuing conversation from earlier @Malasang88, I think this is actually worse. Picking on some poor bastards who you let sign up to vote. And the message is, uh, I don’t know.

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I couldn’t figure that out either. The message is voter fraud is real and look some sex offenders voted because we told them to.

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“deeply evil”

As I worked the hospitals in Florida they were dead empty through the entire surge. My best friend got laid off from EMT work because they had no business. This was a mega hospital too in the oldest population of Florida. It was not out of control and I’ll say that till the end of my life. The news came in to our hospital and did an interview then over played it with another hospital in a completely different state making it look busy.

I don’t care what anyone’s views are my friends in other hospitals in Florida has the same issues. Pretty sure it was cause people went out in the sun and continued their lives without lockdowns. They got exercise and sun light. It is still not over loaded and I don’t know where people get their information. Go to the hospital and see it.
Lastly Florida isn’t the highest in Covid right now, you know how I know. Cause no ones testing it anymore.


many localities report this information, with information from the hospitals, even in florida. this isn’t some crazy conspiracy.

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So this is the reason for Trump’s new nickname: De-Sanctimonious

“And on the eighth day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a protector.’ So God made a fighter,” DeSantis’s ad begins.

The ad shows pictures of DeSantis meeting with officials and civilians while serving as governor. It describes a series of traits God “said” he needs in someone, including a willingness to “travel thousands of miles for no other reason than to serve the people, to save their jobs, their livelihoods, their liberty, their happiness.”

Trump fears Ron.

There’s definitely something there

Ron is a covid hero. Trump was a pussy. If he had actually closed down NYC half the dead would be waking today.

That’s what’s there.

I think everybody should fear desalts. He literally said he wants to beat up Fauci. u know who else silences scientists? china. Not a good look.

The last federal government in Canada did, one of a series of bonehead moves that led to their ouster. Trudeau was never a strong candidate, but he hasn’t faced a serious challenger

Question answered.

Now climate research is allowed, but science is throttled by the woke agenda. Can’t win

AH, the old scattergun approach to whittling down DeSantis. :roll_eyes:

Were they challenged like the Dem gerrymandering effort was in NY, with the state supreme court striking them down?

Shhh. Just shhhhhh

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FL supreme court bowed out saying they lacked jurisdiction.

Ha, was there a suit? I’ll have to read this article more closely I see.



You know, I don’t agree with Desantis’s politics, but he probably has more class in his little finger than Trump does.

Let’s see if Trump’s blackmail dangle is a bluff or not. Trump surely has rolled in the mud much more throughout his life, so it’s pretty humorous to hear him threatening that he has dirt on DeSantis. Assuming there is validity, at the very worst, it’s a pot calling a kettle black.

Article from 2018, I am sure @Mick might have heard otherwise about his tour in Iraq, so please show me the other side if you think this is a puff piece