Ron DeSantis

DeSantis explains the New Right in 60 seconds. He knows What Time It Is: “We’re creating a model for what a free society should be. Yes: freedom for you to not be constrained by government—all conservatives have always believed that—but also, freedom for you to live your life without having the pathologies of the Left imposed upon you from all the other institutions in society.”


It’s completely useless to whine and complain about the Left, as their rampage through the institutions is complete. The only way the Right stands a chance is through whatever power its executives can exert upon these institutions. In Florida we have someone who understands this and, for the first time, has successfully done it. Not many people in the former category; only 1 guy in the latter.

But what? It is. It’s a form of performance.

That being said, prohibiting children from sexualized performances (not to say all drag shows necessarily are) is good policy. The complaint shown here details allegations about the show in question


Is drag not innately sexual? Asking for a friend.

Drag as I understand it is men performing dressed as women.

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So anyone can do it? So I can dress in drag and go to a library to read to kids and make a joke about accidentally sitting on my nards? :grimacing:

What if straight cis men dressed in drag to mock drag queens but didn’t say thats why he was doing it? They could be all outraaaageous and what, that’s fine? And what then if it were to slip out that it was a ruse?

If, that is, as you both seem to be saying, “it’s just men dressing as women for work or shits and giggles.”

I’m willing to pull that bit back in as well. Thinking out loud here.

Hold on. First, I’m just pointing out it is a job and an identity, as you seemed to reject. That’s true even of the most sexualized forms of it.

When and whether it’s appropriate for children is another question.

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I’m not rejecting it. I’m processing that. Tell me more. I mean, I can’t dress as fireman and then identify as a fireman, right? That’s looney.

Yes, and I think you and I are closer on this point.

Sure. I don’t think I’m going on a limb by saying drag isn’t identifying as a woman though. You can identify as a fireman performer if you like :slight_smile:

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So drag is performance art? Across the board? No way you’re saying that.

Sure you can. It doesnt mean that you will be paid and get a bunk at the firehouse, but to an extent being a fireman is a state of mind. It could be your truth that you are a fireman. You could even volunteer or something.


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2 posts were split to a new topic: George Santos

Fluff piece.

hell no.

Yep. We often introduce ourselves as "Hi, I’m a insert occupation " vs “my job is…”


I’ve known straight drag queens.

other being a jerk and doing something just to mock people,.which is, well, a jerk move…

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Since we’re on the subject

Ruh roh, this wasn’t the can of worms everyone expected, this was supposed to be about denying transgendered people work and forcing them out of the public…

From Trump’s Truth Social:

I think the shop teacher with massive jugs is a good representative of that.

So, what, now Trump can and should be heard and listened to? Ha, fuck that guy.


Sure it is, Trump has a history of attacking his opponents with bullshit. He’s a pathological liar with no morals, whose only goal is to score political points to satisfy his fragile ego, likely to make up for knowledge of his many inadequacies. Sad :pensive:

What was?

Well, maybe not for you and I :man_shrugging:

Well the lame attempts to melt RD into DT is sad. Trump is going to be fingerprinted in NYC on Tuesday. I hope Ron goes to Mar Lago and just walks around taking it all in.

Amen! It really is remarkable he received near unanimous support from the GOP since he stepped on stage and along with Boebert, MTG, Santos, and Gates, and Ronnie D continues to serve as the face of their political movement :joy:

Not the kind of people you’d want making decisions about education or what books go on the shelves, that’s for sure.

Very articulate indeed:
Cernovich on Twitter: “Could Trump articulate whether and to what extent it’s appropriate to use government to organize a free society in the way DeSantis does here? If so, please post non-teleprompter examples below.” / Twitter

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