Ron DeSantis

To to summarize, we’re creating a free society be eliminating acronyms and ideas that might threaten conservatives, and freedom is replacing anyone in government that might disagree with DeSantis or his regime. Fear George Soros. We’re freeing you by big government initiatives overseeing and banning ideas, equity, and free expression. Dog Whistle.

Nice Orwell player!

How does one eliminate an acronym? Please and thank you with sources, please.

When this becomes a frequent frame of reference, seek help.

It’s an apt description of DeSantis and his doublespeak justifying big government attacks on personal freedom, free markets, and free speech. No American buys this crapola.

Hilarious. You’re like a flat earther, a real unicorn. Do you actually believe this stuff you post or this is how you keep awake?

There is and has always been a push and pull to societal norms. Seems you only like the push. Like when you have to call a girl with multicolor hair and facial piercings them. But if I note the breasts and the lack of male junk and go with she, I’m a fascist?


What’s with the bizarre fetish with multicolor hair and piercings? And why do you care? No one makes you go their parties. I guess DeSantis and his ilk just like to mock and bully people that are different from them.

A paint-on dick isn’t a dick. And is some chick can say she’s a dude and that’s fine with you, I can say she’s not and that also should be fine. I’m not telling her to stop. Go on, be delusional. Fuck if I care.

6 posts were split to a new topic: .Indifferent_Noops

Here’s a nice newsy article about RD not being a racist nazi transphobe.

NBC is now suspect I guess.

The NYT doesn’t like the stuff DeSantis didn’t write about in his book.

Ron says the Don is on his own.


“I have no interest in getting involved in some type of manufactured circus by some Soros DA,” said DeSantis, making a reference to billionaire donor George Soros’s support of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. “He’s trying to do a political spectacle … I’ve got real issues I’ve got to deal with here in the state of Florida.”
“We’re not getting involved in it in any way,” he said.

That said Politico just pushes the envelope trying to drum up some drama:

Under Florida law, the governor can intervene in an extradition matter if it is contested. But Trump’s lawyers have told media outlets that the president would likely surrender if he is indeed indicted.

As though they want RD to do something stupid like that. Idiots. Just the news my chapless ass.

A Florida textbook publisher removed all references of race from a lesson about civil rights icon Rosa Parks in order to get a Florida committee’s approval, according to The New York Times.

Parks helped spark the Montgomery Bus Boycott after she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Ala., bus in 1955.

In the current lesson by Studies Weekly, which is used in 45,000 elementary schools, the event is described: “The law said African Americans had to give up their seats on the bus if a white person wanted to sit down.”

But in an early version created for Florida’s review by Studies Weekly, the lesson changed to: “She was told to move to a different seat because of the color of her skin.”

In the group’s second updated version, race is removed completely from the lesson: “She was told to move to a different seat.”

Studies Weekly also made changes to their fourth-grade lesson about segregation laws.

In the initial version, the text explained how Black Americans were affected by Jim Crow laws that arose after the Civil War, but like its updates to the Parks lesson, the second version eliminated almost every direct mention of race. Instead, the lessons were changed to say it was illegal for “men of certain groups” to be unemployed and that “certain groups of people” were not allowed to serve on a jury.

Soon to be followed by the Ron DeSantis History of the Civil War:

“Some people invited a certain group of people to have jobs here, but other people from Up North objected, and they fought a war to stop that certain group of people being allowed to work. The End.”

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DeSantis smirks at reporter question about NAACP advising Black Americans not to go to Florida: ‘What a joke’ (


So, only legal owners of legal hand guns

Although the proposed permitless carry would make it easier for Florida gun owners to carry their weapons, the bill would have no effect on the current requirements for purchasing an actual firearm.

Therefore, those already prohibited from buying a gun under the current law will still be prohibited. The state’s current list of requirements for purchasing a firearm, including a minimum age of 21, would not change.

It does kind of encourage more people to walk around armed though, or to buy legal hand guns. Having more guns around is probably not going to reduce gun crime, is it?

This is good for people who sell guns. Is Florida so dangerous now that people need to carry concealed all the time? Sounds like they need a new governor to Make Florida Safe Again!

Is that the intent?

I don’t know what the intent is, but it seems to me lowering gum crime should be an intent, having more guns around is a logical consequence of the law

Definitely. It’s a menace to society.



Cannot be trusted. He will be a corporate shill.

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looks like our only hope is trump. although he’s on to something, but climate change comes from the rising plastic in the ocean which is really heavy.

you ever put a ball into water? the water goes up.

In regards to MAGA, someone sent me this about guns and no need for anything to get one in Florida! Weee! (I’m not American, and I don’t really know who Ron DeSantis is, but I find the news amusing as hell.)