Ron DeSantis

Just heard that Elon Musk’s Twitter is glitching, delaying DeSantis presidential run announcement.

Sabatoge or…

Oops, he just announced.

Meow! :smirk_cat:


Seems like WOKE! is working for RD. The Nation is trying to be all serious and whatnot.

However, any time DeSantis and his allies are pressed to explain just what wokeness is and does, they can’t supply a cogent definition. By their lights, it’s not the use of classroom time to discuss America’s slaveholding past. Nor is it an ideology of any sort, still less an organized political lobby or advocacy concern outfitted with an address, a budget, and a collection of mailing lists. In the language of measures like the Stop WOKE Act, it’s taken to be a form of instruction or discourse that makes students and workers feel unduly responsible for past historic wrongs. But doctrinaire politics isn’t typically—or ever, really—litigated as a public issue via the shifting tides of subjective feeling.

It’s like listening to people complain about CRE a few years ago. “It’s just a bunch of horsehit!” I had hoped the right’s answer to CRE would be a bit more substantive, but whatever. Stop stupid with stupid, I guess.

“Wokeness” is just the earth-shaking realization that traditional racism had it backwards. It’s the Black race that’s superior and the white race that’s inferior, just as Critical Race Theory teaches.

Got to like that, the talk anyway

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My camera man just confronted Moderna lobbyist Marc Lampkin as he was walking into the


fundraiser in DC that is taking place at the law office of a firm that represents Dominion. Ron DeSantis is inside. The fundraiser is co-sponsored by Marc Lampkin, a lobbyist for Moderna and AbbVie, the maker of Lupron, which is a puberty blocker drug used to chemically castrate children who are undergoing gender transitioning.


claims he is against puberty blockers and child mutilation, but my team caught Big Pharma & pro-child mutilation drug lobbyists walking into DeSantis’s fundraiser. #HYPOCRISY

Ah the single issue smear.


As DeSantis crashes, so crashes DeSantis’ campaign


Ron copying fringe memes for his political commercials.

Neither are the courts in Florida, it seems.


His shot at the nomination seems to have slipped through his fingers like, uh, pudding through his fingers

And he’s out…


“If there was anything I could do to produce a favourable outcome - more campaign stops, more interviews - I would do it,” he said, as he ended his seven-month campaign.

Maybe having a better message and not being such a scumbag; so much for the VP slot, loser. :thinking:

Speaking to voters in New Hampshire, Mr Trump said his campaign had “got some word that one of our opponents, a very capable person, is dropping out”.
“In doing so, [Mr DeSantis] endorsed us,” the former president added, to loud cheers in the room.
He went on to say that he believed “most of” Mr DeSantis’ votes, “or certainly many of them”, would go to his campaign - but added “we don’t need them”.

Trump is vicious. A vicious megalomaniac.

A real shame imo. I would have volunteered to work for him if he’d won the nomination.

I think the US still has another 2-3 years of populism to work off before a candidate like DeSantis could win. Historically it takes the USA around a decade to work its way out of a political landscape where populism thrives, so give it till 2026 or longer. I say “longer” because the last more relevant time populism was a valid ballot choice we tossed a Republican prez (Taft) - check, elected a Democrat from a progressive-leaning Democrat party (Wilson) - check, and populist tribalism only ended when the US declared war (WWI) - no check yet.

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Years or terms?

If the past predicts the future (and it may not), then years. But again, that example was ended by a declaration of war. No war then it may indeed be 2-3 terms instead.

Well now that hes out and the race is reduced to 2 and with DeSantis backing Trump this looks like it will be a short race with Trump odds on to be the Republican nominee we will see if Biden carries on with his shtick of the Mega Maga fringe wing of the party who are fanatics when he represents the entire Republican base who last time round increased his vote total by millions to 75 million.

Still Biden shouldn’t have anything to worry about since he got 81 million votes last time dwarfing Obamas best turn outs. Im sure everyone who voted for him last time are just amazed at the simply terrific job he’s been doing. So no need for Democrats to fret at all.

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