Royal Nazis?

Nazi outfits at parties seems to be a trend, but where was the outrage when Virginia Military Institute students did it?

[quote=“Flicka”]Nazi outfits at parties seems to be a trend, but where was the outrage when Virginia Military Institute students did it?[/quote]

Although the VMI kids are likely regreting their behaviour (as Flicka mentioned, it’s was a story on one of the most popular news websites in the country, and and sparked condemnation and prompted apologies from the school).

[quote]“If we’re using public money to train young men to carry guns and represent America abroad, it is all of our business what their idea of ‘fun’ is. The Nazis were not funny. Gay-bashing is not funny. Black-face is not funny. … What kind of education are these kids receiving that they think any of this is appropriate?”

“We’re just very disappointed by the poor judgment shown by the cadets, and disappointed by the inappropriateness of the costumes they were wearing,” VMI spokesman Stewart MacInnis said Friday. “We expect more of our cadets.”[/quote]–vmi-nazicostumes0128jan28,0,575191.story

Nevertheless, I think Flicka is right that Prince Harry got far more worldwide attention than these non-celebrity kids in Virginia.

In my opinion, this certainly gives some weight to the theory that, on balance, princes tend to get more media coverage than non-princes.