Russia invades Ukraine: Specific Developments 2023

Ukraine is a racist, fascist state and has been criminalising culture and language since the Nazi took real power after the 2014 American orchestrated coup.

Basically the cultural “genocide” Ukraine spouts is just projection. I have a Ukrainian cultural part, and it has gone hand in hand with my Russian cultural part. What the Ukrainian regime wants to do is destroy the Russian parts while up until America started promoting separatism in the country to further its own agenda, everyone just more or less got along. The south and east with their ethnic and cultural russian roots, and the West with their Nazi worship.

They still had to maintain some semblance of decency so they could get things from the West, and possibly an EU membership, but once those those things become off the table, you will see the whole facade drop.

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The accelerating attacks on ethnic Russians and Russian speaking Ukrainians is the facad falling away. No one should have any misconceptions. The Nazi will not miss the opportunity to entrench their power due to the conflict, and America will happily continue to prop them up as it does with so many other terrorist organizations around the world to further it’s agenda.

That’s why I hope Taiwan sees what’s happening and doesn’t go “full Ukrainian”

I think it would be harder for America to divide Taiwan from its Chinese heritage, but I can see it happening here and there with some Taiwanese people I know trying to distance themselves from the thousands of years culture and trying to LARP as a people that came out of nowhere 100 years ago.

At least the Ukrainian Nazi have more of a legitimate fabled history to tell themselves. Apart from maybe Egyptians being Ukrainian and all that ridiculous racist stuff they teach in schools.


USA has indoctrinated its culture worldwide for many years.
Rumour has it, China, Russia want to rule the world.
America has been trying and succeeding for many years.
However, this may come to a sudden end!

Would that be a better World leader?

Another terrorist attack, this time in Melitapol.

These have been constant by the way targeting “collaborators” AKA, Ukrainians who don’t want to worship Nazi as national heroes and just want to get on with their lives.

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Multi Polar world, with countries doing business with each other and not causing instability, terrorism and coups in order to get their way.

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That would be nice. However, when you start from a position where Russia was 100 percent justified in invading Ukraine it’s a difficult position to defend.

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Actually I have defended it quite thoroughly already, as have many other people much smarter than me.

They were justified even without the biolabs or Ukraine claiming they would take Transnistria if Moldova gives them the word. After all that’s happened the last year they are more than justified to make “Kyiv” a hole in the ground.

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Not creating instability and 100 percent justification for invasions matches up.

I actually came into the conflict with a more balanced view looking at both sides, but that ship has long since sailed after seeing the nonsense that brewed up in Ukraine.

All I’ll say is that Putin is being way more reserved than I would have been being him, and I’m from Odessa.

Even saying I’m from Ukraine makes me feel disgusted right now. I hope Russia is able to take Odessa so I can say I’m from Russia.

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OK I know where you stand.

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I only hate Russia because they are nowhere near as capable as they claimed, and that has allowed the Nazi to drag the war out with the help of the West naturally.

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I mean, I never denied it. I went from hopefull and pro-ukrainian after 2014 but that started to shift to a more neutral position once they burned a bunch of protestors alive and smashed the heads in of the ones who tried to escape the burning building.

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If anything I have been way more tolerant of what was happening in Ukraine than I should have been.

After 2014 I had hope it was just an honest move against corruption and proudly displayed that picture of a Lenin monument replaced by a golden toilet they took from the outsted president’s office.

But yeah, that changed.

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People not starting rows would help. Tolerance.

4.4. (NATO was founded on 4.4.1949)


Finland becoming part of NATO is irrelevant to anybody that understands the situation, as they were defacto Nato to begin with and geographically the two places that matter to Russia are Ukraine and Georgia.

The only thing it really achieves is making the decision to nuke Finland easier for Russia in case of a conflict with NATO.

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I must know nothing about the situation because it seems highly relevant to me.

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This does seem like potentially a big deal: