Same Sex Marriage

Too much violence. Those caravans weren’t going to the US for nothing.

if true, Alabama is really progressive.

My point is that if society is okay with women in the men’s restroom, then it becomes legally awkward to exclude men from the ladies’ restroom.

I’m not even sure the rule is consistently applied. As in it’s ok for ladies to clean men’s room but not ok for male janitors to clean lady’s room. In the states I don’t understand why they have to lock down the bathrooms for a long time to clean it. They’re really serious about the bathroom thing in the US like there’s a law or something.

No one is saying Taiwan is progressive per se, but it is progressive in Asia and it’s not just gay marriage. You mentioned slavery, well as far as modern slavery goes, Taiwan fares slightly better than those countries/territories you mentioned. There is a lot of shady shit happening in Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea and the victims are also South and Southeast Asians. Especially Singapore. Singapore is one of the most unequal countries in the world precisely because they have a huge foreign population doing the jobs Singaporeans don’t want to do.

Just because you don’t see or hear about it doesn’t mean they don’t have the same or even worse problems. The only countries that are noticeably better in Asia-Pacific region are Australia and New Zealand and those two are not in Asia and would be on top even in Europe.

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Gay marriage is legal in Brazil and Colombia as well.

Citizenship maybe, but labour and women? With the huge human trafficking industry there, really?

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if true, Alabama is way more progressive than many countries.

I think the only caveat is they have to have permission from their parents.

ok well i have to change my stance again then. being progressive in asia is basically nothing to shout about.

and i’m kinda tired discussing this, its great that the law has passed and i’m happy for the people it will effect. but i still think it was a face move at the end of the day.

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Googled it.
It’s 16 not 14

Pure nonsense, it’s going to make a real and positive difference to the lives of thousands of people.


Going to where, may I ask? Buyers are Westerners in powerful nations.

And it is actually not that bad, used to be worse. Actually, I am surprised the percentage has actually dropped. Most organ trafficking is still from Asia, where it is needed. Human trafficking is also high in this side of the world, mostly internal or for organs, but you hardly ever hear about the ships full of Chinese and other assorted Asians that wash down South and Central America, on the way up North.

I have a chart somewhere of age of consent and marriage deadline for minors. It is actually shockingly low for a civilized nation, yes, like 12 and 14 with parental consent.

something can have positive effects but still be a face move.

take the MRT for example. the MRT is great but it definitely gives taiwanese a lot of face, the image of a clean, polite and modern country. but hey good luck crossing the road without dying. it doesn’t add up for me. this is along the same lines.

You can be negative about anything if you try hard enough I guess.


Yes , especially when you post in the Politics threads :joy: :thinking:


Do you approve of same-sex marriage?

There’s no need to try there unfortunately. Believe me, it’s only about restraining it.

absolutely, never said that i didn’t approve of it.

yea, because i really need to try hard to be negative about almost dying everytime i cross the road. nice one.