Same Sex Marriage

Destroying the meaning of marriage is regressive not progressive. Meanwhile the air pollution remains bad ,wages almost stagnant and it still cannot fly it’s flag at the Olympics. This is just some sugar coating to distract from the rotten economy, Marriage is between a man and woman period, what Taiwan decides on this matter is a non issue as it is not even internationally recognized as a country.
An embarrassing law for the region of Taiwan which was over whelmingly opposed by the people in the referendum.

Now that they realized this reform has been welcomed positively basically worldwide, it looks like Dalu people would like to get some credit.
Our Mofa doesn’t agree, though.


…is a commie brainwasher.

More of this MOFA! :joy:

Thankfully they have not destroyed the meaning of marriage; it remains exactly what it has always been. The only difference is that it is accessible to all, instead of being a special right for straight people.


Indeed, it’s an odd meaning of marriage that could be destroyed by loving couples getting married.


It can’t have the exact same meaning if there is now as you put it a “difference”. Would you agree to marriages with animals and child marriage too? How about marriage with an object?

Let’s examine this, shall we?

Case 1: Can a child, who is under the age of consent, consent?

Case 2: Can an animal sign a legal contract?

Case 3: Can a tree, when asked “Do you take this person to be your lawfully wedded spouse?” reply “I do”?

Oh, and also: Was the meaning of marriage changed when Loving v. Virginia extended marriage rights to interracial couples?

Upon analyzing these scenarios, one can reasonably conclude that the answer to all of the above is “No,” thus posing no harm to the institution of marriage.


You know right now the Trump administration is pushing to prevent US born children of LGTB couples from becoming US citizens «because they were born out of wedlock». It is a bit more complicated but yeah, sucks.

As stated earlier, the US already has child marriage. Do anti-SSM activists generally oppose child marriage as well?

What’s SSM a new kind of pronoun or something ?

Same sex marriage.

SSA = same sex attraction

I wouldn’t count on the government allowing gay foreigners to marry their Taiwanese partners and obtain spousal residency. Also, I wouldn’t bet on married gays being allowed to adopt, either. Hey! Here is Taiwan!

From CNN: The successful Cabinet bill was the only one to use the word “marriage.” It was backed by LGBTQ groups, despite the fact it could see same-sex couples denied rights enjoyed by hetrosexual couples, such as adoption and cross-national marriage.


maybe they can, if their original countries allow SSM.

Nice piece. I remember seeing this guy here and there years back. Happy he’s having this moment

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363 gay couples register for marriage within six hours

Not bad for starters.


Interestingly, female couples were more than twice the number of male couples. Is the SSA females more common than SSA males in Taiwan?

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They’re more open about it, I would say.

Q. What does a lesbian bring on the second date?
A. A U-Haul.


Just to ask to due to legalize same sex marraige can you please help me for this matter. Im willing to get married on this country,May i know what is the following requirements?

Thank you