San Francisco becomes less leftist as Asian voters move right

maybe more moderate leadership is good for the city? I hear lots of bad things in the city the past few years and can new leaders change it?

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short answer: no. SF will remain a shit city, and not just literally


I pray that the voting community finds their way to peace and stability there. A once cool city.

So if not leadership, then why is like this??

leadership, which won’t change. voters are lazy. all big cities have entrenched city council-people

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humm, so just go the temple and ask the gods for help then??? In the video, they did change and voted (they where not lazy)

politicians everywhere do not live under the same laws they promulgate upon the common masses. they only care about 2 things: getting reelected and getting rich from their political endeavors

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ha, your very cynical! I have hope to live and enjoy better and one day San Francisco can be nice place to visit. Lots of areas in Kaohsiung City redone, is very nice now in what was older dying area now very nice. had nice Hunan lunch at 鹽埕區 area, in restored old house so hope for USA that the city not rot and decay

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It all went downhill after Cinnabon left the city…

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San Francisco is still a nice place to visit. Turn off the news every now and then.

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I don’t have much faith that right winged votes or politicians will change things in ways that benefit Americans. Not after Reagan basically undid everything progressive did.

San Francisco is that way because nobody in charge cares, and neither do the people except to move the problem elsewhere, kick the can down the road.

If you asked whether there’s a plan, there is none. The plan is to make the future worry about it.

San Francisco was never leftist to begin with.

Is Bush Man still there?

ok! got that fron the news link on first post

Feinstein and Newsom are about as far to the left as the Green Giant’s dingleberries in an annual report. :laughing: They’re right wing corporate Democrats.

You want left in regional politics? Go back to Liverpool in the 1980s.

Derek Hatton - Wikipedia


and the Liverpool I visited late last year looked good to me

Left Wing politicians have been jailed or censured to death. Basically the US has already purged the country of any left thinking politicians. Even Bernie Sander isn’t THAT left and he’s called a Socialist.

Only place you are going to find any left wing politicians or policies is either Europe or maybe China…

Yes and no. One side of my family has lived there for centuries. One could say that it shares characteristics now with many US cities in terms of lack of diversity in governance.

I remember a time when being left didnt mean being an oppressive CCP regime. how the times have changed, apparently :frowning:

What do you mean? Being extreme left is basically what the USSR was, being extreme right is basically what a fascist government was (Hitler, Mussolini, etc.).

Extremes of anything is bad and is authoritarian, and the US is swinging to the extreme of the right.

What we want is a centralist government that incorporates a healthy balance of left and right winged ideas, so that they can serve a wide range of their citizens without favoring one over the other.

I grew up in San Francisco. I don’t go back other than to see family.