School me on 2004 Yamaha Vino 125 & 2004 Yamaha GTR 125

I am purchasing a new scooter in the next few days. I went to some random shop in Taipei and am very interested in the Vino 125cc and the GTR 125cc. The Vino is NT53,500 and the GTR is NT57,000. Now I have a few questions because scooters are new to me. I was told that the insurance policy that the bike shop offered is only good for a maximum of NT35,000 in case of theft.

  1. Which is the better machine?
  2. Is this the best policy you can get on scooters and is more coverage worth the extra cost?
  3. Are the prices reasonable?

Thanks a lot for the help. and am I missing anything else here???

EDIT: After doing an extensive search on the net I have decided to go with the Vino. I just need help with that insurance question.

I bought a new Yamaha Cygnus for around 57k. It’s a great scooter and I’d recommend it if it isn’t too late. I got the first year insurance but they didn’t mention the maximum of 35k but I’d believe it. I’d get the insurance regardless as they put serial numbers on virtually every part of your bike. Which is a rather effective theft deterrant as the parts are usually stolen and then sold again as new parts. But if you wanted to insure the bike for it’s full price, I’m sure you could go to any local insurance broker and get it insured for whatever you wanted.

Have got a 2004 Vino 125 myself and I thinks it’s awesome.

It’s pretty basic as far as bells and whistles go, but IMHO that is a good thing. Modern Retro, and very cool.

I ordered it and it is coming on Tuesday. It looks like how a scooter should be, not a crotch rocket wannabe motorcycle. I did a lot of research on this model before I purchased it. I am most likely going to send it back to Canada if possible after I leave Taiwan. They just started selling the same exact model back home. I am just worried leaving it in the city as I heard that it is a desirable bike for thieves.

Congrats J.E.P…I think the Vino is a really classy looking 'scooter. With a 125cc 4 stroke motor and the Mikuni carb it should have pleanty of power and easy maintenance. The seat on the 125cc is larger than the 50cc model and it looks very comfortable. Have Fun!

I am gutted. My wife skidded off our Vino on Friday in the carpark.


Might have to put some flames on the front guard to hide the graze.

That must be a shame. What colour is yours? The only colour available to the Taiwan market is silver and black. I really wanted a red one but was told it was only for export. The good thing is that the price is half as much here as it would be in Canada after taxes. I guess you can’t buy replacement fenders or body panels. If you do a flame job, post up some pics or send them to me, i’ll host them. Good luck.

They’re also very different machines. Ask Plasmatron. :wink:

Really why is that? They just started exporting them to NA in 2004. As far as I could tell the Vino 125cc had the same specs as the one here. Maybe less polution controls here? I would like to know because the only way I could export it to Canada would be if had the same specs. Oh well, still waiting for it to arrive :s .

According to Plasmatron (who seems to be very well informed on the subject), the components used in machines for the domestic market are across-the-board inferior to those manufactured for export, which would also go some way to explaining the price difference.
I know for a fact that my motorbike, although just a crappy Yamaha Dragfire, is a Japanese import and is of a far, far higher build quality than a locally manufactured Yamaha.

I went for black, but to be honest the silver one is OK too. The Black is a really nice paint with some fleck in it in certain light…makes it harder to repaint though. :frowning:

I reckon replacement body panels shouldn’t be a problem, but might be pricey.

er… sorry… got on this a little late…

i’m not sure i can offer you as clear cut an answer as you’d like, the specific specs of the Vino 125 are not my forte, but i can tell you what would probably be different and the reasons why

I bought a new 90cc Yamaha- last year’s model with a two-stroke engine. Loved it. It was stolen not long after I bought it! Bad experience overall, but that’s life. I don’t live in that area anymore. My wife and I are convinced it was the guys on the first floor that do car maintenance. But what do you do? Well, in our case, we’re not doing anything. It sucks but if that’s the worst that happens to us this year, we’re ahead of the game. But for you…insure it and know that others are checking out your new ride. Try parking right under the watchful eyes of the cameras to a bank or something.

Done. [url]Latest (must-have) Scooter Theft Deterrent Device