Searching for true love

What…and the Brits will? :grin:

Keith Richards and Mick Jagger are probably the gold standard on aging rock and punk stars and shirts. I don’t think Iggy has any more wrinkles than Richard, nor more belly fat than Jagger. If they’re good then he’s probably good, too.

That’s cause you’re into cows. :grin:

You’re Specieist

In my case, cow isn’t a species…it’s a body type. :sunglasses:

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Iggy Pop? Really? With all the drinking and drugging he did?

I would agree that with time aging does creep up on everyone, but genetics, diet and habits make or break how one ages.

These rock stars look horrible due to all the hard liquor consumed not to mention the drugs. The body has limits. IJS

Honestly, Iggy doesn’t look too bad for 72.


Yea he does from my viewpoint. Looks like a rancid dried prune. Blech.

Not sure I agree about the hard liquor part. I think the worst of it comes from the sun. Iggy’s not that much older than me. Back in the day nobody thought twice about a bad sunburn. You peeled but then you tanned up. Taking multiple sunburns wreaks total havoc later in life, though.

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The difference is, you don’t see most 72-year-olds with their shirt off. :grin:

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Jesus! Is that what Goldie looks like now?

I don’t need to see the shirt off, face and neck are great indicators😉

I think that’s what she looked like in 2010 or so. I suspect she avoids cameras and mirrors like the plague now, though. Probably worse today.

Yeah, he’s got the turkey neck for sure.

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Hands, too. Hands always reveal one’s age.

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Yeah, the sun-worshiping culture of that era definitely caused a lot of damage. Everybody wanted a “healthy tan.”

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Sun ain’t shit to do with that. She’s bloated in the face cough duetodrinking cough.

There’s a lot of ageism at play in this thread.

Iggy has a great body. If I get to 72 and have a physique like that I will be very happy.


Drinking wouldn’t help, that’s for sure. But based on my experience I think the sun accounts for the worst of her appearance now.

Top of my shoulders looks like Goldie’s shoulders now. I remember spending many days oceanside while wearing zero sunscreen. In fact, I don’t think sunscreen existed in the 1960s and 70s. Most people applied baby oil because it was cheap. Baby oil also amplified the sun’s effects. I have had many sunburns where the skin on my shoulders blistered up. Not unusual.

I have that skin checked regularly for skin cancer now. I remember a nurse gasping at the damage, and this was twenty years ago.

Drugs and drinking will do a number on any body, at any age. Poor Lindsay Lohan already looks like a septuagenarian at 33.