Second US Stimulus Check

Yes. I do.

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Yes, and the threshold is higher depending on how many children, who each get $500 (though one govt check for whole family)

I find the use of last year’s tax return as a means test on these stimulus checks to be a little odd considering that whether you made $300k or $30k last year, if you’re out of a job you’re out of a job (due to no fault of your own).

This was an oversight IMO (although a welcome one). You can earn significantly more than the FEIE maximum and still have AGI under $75k.

well it is simply a means to determine if they should give you an advance on your tax credit or not. The actual measurement will be your 2020 income, which will be settled when you do your 2020 taxes. So if your income was low in 2019 and you received the stimulus, but your 2020 income is too high, you will have to in essence pay it back. If your income was high in 2019 and you didn’t get the stimulus check, but your 2020 income qualifies, you will get the stimulus as a tax credit in your 2020 return. It’s an imperfect system but I don’t think there would be any perfect solutions.

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Ah good to know! So foreign earned income that is excluded actually lowers your AGI? I wasn’t sure how that works. Probably won’t get to do this myself until I file 2022 returns…at least given our current timeline plans.

Another update

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An interesting guy you somehow found. A tax accountant giving out tips in a friendly manner. Even this one (below) was interesting, although most likely one will get the lowest amount back ($14). Never heard of WeBull. Anyone else, out of curiosity?

Webull is pretty popular now, lots of financial “gurus” push it on youtube.

People saying expats shouldn’t get it. Well we are US citizens. It’s the US taking care of its citizens…no matter where they are. People residing inside the US not paying taxes for whatever reason get the stimulus too. Why? Because it’s the the country taking care of everyone. I think it is completely fair.

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More importantly, we can vote.

Politicians are always keen on making goodies come out close to election season.

Who is saying that?

Yeah, We gotz to know. Get the pitchforks.

I said it didn’t serve the economic purpose. I understand that Americans are taxed overseas and all that. I see that argument and I’m neutral in whether or not they deserve it. But the purpose of a stimulus check is to put money directly into the local economy. Shipping money overseas isn’t going to have the intended effect.

I plan to spend my stimulus money in the U.S.

Ok, that’s an exception. There’s no real benefit to encourage that economic behavior. Most will likely spend their money overseas.

Mine was also spent in the US, as is most of my income.

Another update.

I used it fund my business that I’m starting. Good stuff. Could use another one to buy more inventory.


I understand that reasoning. However, there’s no easy way for the government to track where the money is being spent. Like the posters above, I also spent a good portion in the US, buying gifts for my kids and grandkids.

There’s probably no way of knowing what percentage of the money given to expats is going back to America, but I think not giving the stimulus to Americans overseas would open a big can of worms with its citizens. I mean, just look how much strife wearing masks is causing. :roll_eyes:

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