Selfish person of the day (in Taiwan)

Went to seven, get takeaway coffees (2). Waiting as staff got order for 14. Man orders after me, staff says will take longer than normal as they have a order for 14 before him. He says make mine first since I can NOT leave my car in front and it’s only one. Staff says “no”, she will make orders in order, wait your turn (guy has bad face, haha), good job to staff. I also wait


I think you also just summed up Taiwan’s “I’m entitled to more because I have a car” culture right here too


I think if I was the one ordering 14 coffees I might have offered to let him go first. But him demanding it? Eff off…


I dunno. I agree he’s entitled. On the other hand I think ordering FOURTEEN coffees requires a bit of audacity itself. You must know you’re gumming up the works and inconveniencing other customers when you place an order that large.


If I’d seen him parked illegally, I might order the extra 13 out of spite :melting_face:


I have the opposite experience, weirdly - having a basket brimming with stuff at PX Mart, and trying to convince the person behind me with one item to go first, and being turned down.


I had probably the worst day of my life in Taiwan today and boy am I glad to see this thread…

I’m going through a lot of medical things right now(cancer treatment). My mental health has already been deteriorating so much being back in Taipei these past few years. I’ve really been on my last leg. After the hospital today , I go to Costco with my wife. If you’ve been to the Beitou Costco, you will know the first parking garage area, drivers are more occupied looking for parking instead of looking at people infront of them. So a SUV nearly hits me from behind as I’m walking in the crosswalk. I had to speed up. And the female driver is just frantically looking around with her hands up and doesn’t even notice me. I smacked my hand on her hood so she would look forward and pay attention. And she just gave me black stare. I did a gesture with my fingers to open her eyes.

Then 10mins later inside Costco, I’m pushing my cart and someone cuts in front of me and then just STOPS. My cart hits his right ankle and I say sorry and put my hand up. Even though it’s his fault and that should be it. but no, his wife feels the need to say shit to me and starts to say waiguoren this waiguoren that. And unfortunately my wife has been even more stressed and anxious about my medical stuff. My wife’s face was so out of it and didn’t even realize what had happened. I lost it and just walked away. Nearly had a panic attack because I’ve already been super trapped here and now I cannot even go to a f*cking Costco and do things :frowning:


Yea I feel trapped in Taiwan with no means of getting out even for a short while. I really want an escape from Taiwan. The crowds and the way people seem oblivious to their surrounding…

Sorry to hear that. Hope the best outcome possible for you!


Try getting out of Taipei, you have closed your business now, use it as an opportunity to move to a more chilled out part of the county.

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I’m thinking about Tainan but I still got a bunch of stuff that I can’t sell but don’t want to throw away and no idea what it would cost to move it all over there. Plus it won’t do my spiritual life good there, as my uncle is deep into chinese folk religion. I got no idea what I am going to do. I just want to hole up somewhere cheap so I can go save up some money to get out of Taiwan.

Just get up and do it. Reading your post you seam to have given up without even trying. it’s not your stuff that’s holding you back, it’s you.

This may actually be good for you.


It’s a whole lot of superstition, about the direction your house faces that influences whether or not you make money, gods to pray to (even if they might drive like assholes), etc.

Not sure if it would be good for me.

Why not? there my be something is it, if you don’t just dismiss it before you look into it. Plus the social aspect of temple could be fun (but you would have to stop thinking you are superior).

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After that kind of behavior, I’d definitely go and report him so he can add the ticket to the order. If you’re so miffed about it, go around the fucking corner to the next convenience shop lol. They’re literally like 50m from each other. Cope.


Count your blessings you’re not dealing with his medical condition


My mom died from cancer. It’s not something I wish on anyone. She pretty much died within 6 months of diagnosis, because she decided to turn to folk medicine instead of doing chemo like she should (it would have extended her life a bit).

Steve Jobs died this way too.


I’m sorry to hear that you are having health problems, and on top of that a frustrating day. Glad we can be here for venting and commiserating


dont live with him, easy as pie. you’re an adult, live free.

The south has LOADS of churches, your spiritual need can easily be met in big cities like Tainan. I have a few christian friends there. no shortage of churches, religious events etc :slight_smile:

If I am going to move to Tainan I’m going to have to live with my uncle for at least a week. I’m not able to go find houses otherwise… I’m sure they can help me find a house.