Sen. Bernie Sanders says he's running for president in 2020

Career politician becoming a millionaire is the problem, not entrepreneurs who put their assets and ideas on the line.

Are we really comfortable with a career politician who became in millionaire while never actually doing anything in politics that I can recall? Seems suspicious.


If people want to pay big bucks to hear those gas bags speak, I can’t really argue with that. But those book deals where they get a lump sum bigger than total sales? Those are suspicious as hell.

Any sales is suspicious. Who would read a book written by Bernie Sanders? I feel like his people bought them all.

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What’s even in her book? What is it about?

I’m sure those are questions few people would be able to answer. :grin:

Sanders is a moron. There will always be Americans who could not care less about earning money or increasing their own wealth. Perfectly normal.

Creating new millionaires and new billionaires is a huge feature of the US economy. There have always, and will always, exist simultaneously Americans who disdain income and who are uninterested in wealth.

To state flatly that if these two kinds of Americans exist simultaneously then it’s an indictment of the USA is either the stupidest or the most cynical opinion I’ve ever heard.

So Bernie Sanders is still a walking joke. Some things never change, I guess.

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Luckily he’ll never be in a position of power…including his current position.

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Trickle down, when billionaires create millionaires. :grin:

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And millionaires create sub-millionaires who go on to become millionaires while millionaires themselves become billionaires, etc, etc, a terrific feature of the American economy. :+1:

Career politicians also put their ideas on the line. And their donors’ assets (they tend to be highly leveraged.)

It’s all sales in a cutthroat business.

He said twas from his book sales. You can look it up.

Need a sense of humour injection. :wink:

For a dude as old as he is, that served the country for decades according to his principles?

Yes, im more than ok with that. Thats 1/330th of Bryce Harpers salary, for example.

Interesting development if true

Yes, why aren’t they backing Warren…someone with an actual chance of winning?

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They’re looking for some inheritance?

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It’s true. Bernie has quite an estate for a socialist.

I give them props for being honest about their push for socialism.

They get more props from me if they also admit they don’t care about climate change very much, but just because they endorse Sanders doesn’t mean I actually think they’re honest people. I don’t. :smile:

They’re just being honest in supporting the only democratic socialist running for prez.