SET TV NEWS - Coverage of Foreigners at Pubs

On the contrary nearly every Chinese girl I ever met in a pub here in Taiwan were not interested in a serious relationship. I wouldn

Quite true most of the time… in the teaching world. Outside of it… good luck.

Yes, I’ve known a few. And even did something about it, including making sacrifices.

But after a while, you start scratching past the surface and start seeing the ugly side of things… the things that seriously affect your life if you plan on staying for a while.

But that’s great, where you’re at right now… People do need to remember that there are still many very friendly people here. Enjoy Illah!

That’s a good point…but I’ll have to disagree with you.

What benefits do you really get other than girls and a teaching job that pays well? Not everyone teaches English.

Just because we get certain benefits doesn’t mean that we have just take SH*T from everybody. The media’s protrayal of us create certain problems for foreigners that have made Taiwan their home. My ex-girlfriend’s family thought that foreigners weren’t the faithful type in a marriage. Thought that I went to bed with all my (girl) friends and people that I meet at bars. They said that it was the truth - it’s in the media and what can you say? I just hope that the media can add two words in the coverage that says that “ONLY SOME” foreigners are like that so that not all of us have to pay the price. It’ll help us from being thought of as promiscuous foreigners…the media really has a BIG influence on people. It’s hard to be respected in the workplace when you are depicted by the media as being a playboy. You can be dumped cause your Chinese girlfriend can’t take it anymore. Questions like, " Why are you with a Foreigner? Didn’t you see in the news that they are all playboys?" Just a little work “some” can make life easier for some of us in a relationship and in the workplace.

You might that have this kind of problem (lucky you)but I do 'cause I want a long-term relationship without my future girlfriend feeling pressure caused by the Media’s single point-of-view of us.

That’s just my thought! Yours is great too!
I just hate how it made my EX feel…including myself.

AMEN to that, brother! I’m off now to air my kilt, catch a haggis and drink a bottle of whisky.

Let’s cool down here a little bit.
The media does influent the public a lot. See, newspapers, tv news, radios…etc. Like me, the first thing that i do after i get out of bed is to turn on the icrt, and listen what’s news. When i get home after work, i turn on the TV just to watch the latest news…
Most of my friends don’t even want to watch tv anymore, coz there is too much junks being fed to the publics.
I know it’s difficult to make adjustment here~ but just being yourself and knowing what’s right and wrong in your heart, you will feel much better then. In short, go with your heart!
Good luck to everyone (myself, included)!

when ever I’m feeling down I had to my favourite watering hole and tell lies to local women in hopes they wont calll me after I sleep with them

Troll? Or just a pathetic human? Hmm… this one’s a toughie…

I have no idea what a troll is, unless it is one of those mountain monsters… like the ones bilbo turned to stone in the hobbit… but pathetic is a strong word… I think borderline personailty order with low self esteem throw in an above average drinking problem, and chase it down with a glass of cynasism…

FYI a troll is someone who posts stuff purely with the intention of causing grief, anger and all-around mischief.

I might suffer from a few of those problem myself, and I admit that I don’t know you… but come on, man… sounds like you’re lying to women to get them into bed, which from what I’ve seen, causes quite a bit of anger and sadness in the world. (Am I starting to sound like a hippy?) That’s pretty low… Perhaps I misunderstood…?

Besides, in Taiwan its easy enough to get what it looks like you want without lying!

I find it really puzzling why there are no quality news on tv in Taiwan. Is there no demand for it or what?
Maybe Taiwanese as a whole are too apolitical to mind.

More on topic: Here in the South I can definitely feel some xenophobia at times when I am together with local girls, but mostly just unapproving looks. Fortunately I have never run into people who actually insult me or my female company, so it is still ok, I guess.

Because the truth is boring. Don’t you know gossip is what people want to hear. Apparently theer is no demand for quality news except from the few trouble making foriegners who no one listens to anyway…