
I lived here many years before I met my wife. You’re making it sound like the only attractive thing about Taiwan is the wife material. Can’t people just appreciate Taiwan for Taiwan? Does that make me broken? Hmm, maybe…

my elders were all from different places so i have a different point of view . and in current times why would spice stay to rot in brexit?

I met a Taiwanese girl, we moved here together and after 3 years we got married.

Does that mean I’m a perfectly regular dude?


But…you hate the food, you hate the heat…:face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking:

You are special. How’s that? Do you feel special?

Why are you shaming men for trying to get laid, a perfectly natural desire? Women often don’t comprehend how difficult it is for the average joe to find many sexual partners if at all.

I forgot what dating website it was, but men split above average and below average about 50/50. Women pick 20% as above average for men and 80% are all below average.


shut up about it then. theres enough trash on the news already.

Is it one of those things like:“You’re special! Just like everyone else” ?

because men getting laid may lead to having kids which would be bad for climate change.


Sure, I’ve had to make adjustments, i.e. don’t eat Taiwanese food and get out of Dodge in the summer. Other than that, the place suits me pretty well.

If you haven’t noticed we’ve all put the topic to rest, but you can continue to be unnecessarily rude as fuck if that’s what you prefer.

taiwanese made the whole taiwangirlsEZ™ debacle up all by themselves.

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you are the one being sweary not me.

I really don’t think it’s that hard if you take care of yourself and you’re not some desperate tryhard. And there’s always the ladies of the night…

I don’t know about that, but all the thin-skinned PTT keyboard warriors certainly didn’t help.

It seems for you it very much has to do with race.

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it came from that cjride guys live stream didn’t it? people were using EZ as a shortcut for a smiley or something and taiwanese misinterpreted it as meaning taiwanese girls are easy. then david bond made a whole website called taiwanesegirlsEZ™.com to troll the media and they of course plastered him all over the news.

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Oh but it is for the average joe. And I would say I’m at least decent looking, well groomed and well educated, good shape, athletic with broad shoulders even a 6 pack on when I’m on point with training, tall, I have a nice car and nice house, pretty social. And I still get shut down a lot even though I’ve dated women all over the world with success rate probably higher than most people and certainly most Taiwanese men in general. It’s still fucking hard. And I’ve dated models on billboards and tv commercials. I still get nervous and have to summon all my courage. It’s not easy at all.

Well, it very much doesn’t. The end.

There’s no way I’d be here if I wasn’t married.

Ah, you’re talking about that specific incident. Just the latest iteration of a meme that’s been cycling for years.